Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Signs of Pain In Dogs.

A dog will continue to work hard just to ensure that you believe he is fine. It is a dog's natural instinct for thousands of years, because in the wild, an animal that is sick or weak (even predator) is synonymous with death. Although at this time the dog does not have to worry about these things, but you keep your dog instincts told her to hide the signs that he was sick. If you have a pretty sharp eye and good observation skills, you must be able to get a clue. Of course if you simply recognize your dog, it will be easier to get the hint. 

Some things you should consider are fundamental, such as: how your dog looks, attitude, way of eating and drinking. For example, your dog looks fat, but your dog's appetite normal, or your dog looks skinny, but your dog's appetite increases. Changes in body weight by 10% only, can be a thing that will attract the attention of your veterinarian. 

In general, we know the dog was in good condition when he has the appetite. Although we never heard of a dog eating the occasional pass time or even twice, especially when the weather is hot. Outside of that, if your dog still will not eat for two days, you should call your veterinarian. Several diseases and drugs can cause your dog to change his diet. Dogs who never stole food and suddenly steals a meal, or scraping trash cans, giving you a hint that you should take him to the vet for a checkup or change drugs that are being consumed. 

A dog is drinking more water than usual likelihood of developing diabetes or kidney disease. You may not realize your dog has consumed a lot of water, but you can see how much water he has to drink by watching how much water comes out of the other end. The dog will produce more urine and had to go out to urinate more often. He will also be more frequent bowel movements in the house. 

A healthy dog ​​has thick fur and shiny. Feathers were dull, rough, dry or have baldness is a sign that there is a problem with your dog. The problem may be the type of dog food you consume, flea allergies, or other skin problems. Whatever the case, veterinary advice can help your dog. 

Other signs are more obvious is "sluggish". A dog is lethargic showing signs that he did not want to go for a walk, although usually it will do so. He did not want to play, although it is a favorite game. Although it can sometimes sluggish due to the hot weather, have walked away exhausted from a long day, or just do not want to do it. If it happens more than two days, you have to ask it to your veterinarian. 

Other signs are more frequent vomiting. Vomiting is not too problematic in the dog world and the human world, and dogs often deliberately vomit to get rid of something unpleasant their stomach (like trash). In general, vomiting (which rarely happens) is not something to be feared. But if your dog vomits frequently, or occur several times a day, fever, appear depressed or sick, or vomiting blood, you should immediately call your veterinarian. 

The latter is a dirt dog. It may sound bad, but dog poop is vital clues about his health. A dog that is healthy, solid manure and moist. Stools dry, hard, resulting in your dog straining when defecating is an indication that your dog does not consume enough water, or it can be an indication of other health problems. Dirt mutilated like rice grains indicate the presence of worms. Is not an unusual thing if your dog feces in the form of a liquid or a bit slimy or blood-tinged. But diarrhea, straining or slimy or bloody feces for more than two days should be treated immediately by a veterinarian. If the problem defecate followed by other signs - fever, vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea - immediately take your dog to the vet.


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