Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Caution Insects Attacking Your Dog!

Fleas are not the only pests that can hurt your dog. Insect bites can be frightening and painful, for us humans and for our dogs. Most insects can bite and sting. Not all poisonous, but there are 6 well-known insects that can harm. Allergic reactions can include a variety of painful, swollen, making the dog panting, nausea, diarrhea, convulsions and even shock and death. 

1. Wasps 
In North America, the wasp known as the 'yellow jackets'. They were not clustered like bees Africa, but they will sting if their nest disturbed. The stings can cause allergic reactions. 

2. Bees 
Not all of the 20,000 types of bees are stinging bees, but they can cause allergic reactions in many people and dogs as well. African bees and honey bees and mixtures or derivatives African bees, the bees are very aggressive and defensive of their nests and territories. 

3. Scorpions 
Although scorpions are found throughout the world, the scorpion is more commonly found in warmer regions, such as deserts. This eight-legged arthropods have a stinger on its tail and a curved flexible. Although at the tail have venom, but only 25 species are deadly. Many scorpion sting when disturbed in their hiding places where or when they are stepped on. 

4. Ants 
More than 22,000 species of ants found in every land on earth except Antarctica. Most ants will bite, and for their size, a lot of ants whose bite is painful. As the fire ant venom may invite a dangerous allergic reactions in humans and dogs. 

5. Black Widow Spiders 
This spider is black with a red hourglass mark on the underside of her stomach, spider is well known in the North, and South America. However not all of the Black Widow spider is black, and not all have signs that are red hourglass. Some brownish, and some have white spots or red or yellow. Type of spider is ready to bite on and off. 

6. Brown Recluse Spiders 
Brown colored spider has a violin-shaped mark on its back with feet in length was compared to other spiders. These spiders are usually located in the United States and love being like a warm place in our homes. This type of spider has a deadly bite. 

Most insect stings and insect bites are very annoying and painful, but not all of them lethal. Some can greatly make your dog pain. If your dog is bitten or stung by an insect, allergic reactions arising note and contact your veterinarian. 

If your dog is bitten or stung by an insect: 
If your dog cries, dodge to put his feet in pain behave in a certain area, scratching at a certain point, or show other symptoms caused by bites or stings, follow the instructions below: 

1. Try to catch the insects so that you can identify or show them to the vet, so that your dog gets proper treatment. 

2. If you find stinging spines on your dog, Strip off the plaister or remove it with the tip of your fingernail or tweezers. Keep the stinging spines if you can not find the insect. 

3. Rub was baking soda and water on the area bites or stings and compressed the area with ice to reduce pain. 

4. Call your veterinarian, and define the type of insects that have stinging or biting your dog and your dog's reaction. Your veterinarian may recommend you or give you a dose of an antihistamine such as Benadryl. 

5. If your dog becomes agitated, stung or bitten area becomes swollen, drooling, vomiting or diarrhea, or show signs of harmful side effects, such as seizures or swelling that causes the dog's hard to breathe, take your dog to the vet or emergency clinic immediately.


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