Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

High Fever in Dogs.

You may have heard that you can know your dog had a fever or not by feeling his nose - the nose is wet and cold is a good sign, hot and dry means a fever - but actually it is not that easy. In fact sometimes fever in dogs is not known or can not be detected.

One reason why the detection of fever in dogs is more difficult, because the dog's body temperature is hotter than the temperature of the human body.

Is Fever in Dogs?
Normal body temperature of a dog is between 38◦C until 39.1◦C (101 - 102.5 F), compared to the normal human body temperature ranged 36.4◦C up 37.5◦C (97.6 - 99.6F). In means you can feel that your dog had a fever despite a normal body temperature of your dog.

The word "fever" or fever is usually used to describe a high body temperature caused by an infection or inflammation. 39.4◦C temperature greater than in dogs, it can be stated that the dog was hit by a fever.

When the dog has a high body temperature caused by heat or excessive exercise in humid conditions, the condition is referred to as hyperthermia or heat stroke. When the dog's body temperature reaches 41.1◦C the serious and fatal complications can occur.

Symptoms Dog Fever 
Although there is no definite signs, some symptoms may predict disease and fever in dogs, among others:

Loss of appetite
The release of snot

The only way to know if your dog has an increased body temperature is by measuring the temperature of your dog's anus. Experts recommend using a digital thermometer that is made ​​specifically for dogs. Most thermometers are inserted into the human ear can not work well in dogs.

To measure the body temperature of your dog, first, lapisilah thermometer with a lubricant, such as vegetable oil or baby oil. Then, masukanlah slowly into the rectum of your dog and wait for the results. Most thermometers are sold to measure the body temperature of the dog will take less than 60 seconds to show results.

Causes of Fever in Dogs 
Various types of diseases and conditions can result in your dog fever, among other things:

Infection. This can be due to various causes, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. The infection can be anywhere in the body, such as the lungs (pneumonia), kidneys (pyelonephritis) or in the brain (encephalitis). Symptoms you can see depends on where the infection came from and the main cause. Several types of infections, such as fungi, can affect the body in several places at the same time.
Vaccination. Low fever at 24 to 48 hours after vaccination is normal and is the result of the interaction between the vaccine with the immune system of dogs.
Poison. Consuming substances that are toxic to dogs, including macadamia nut and anti-anxiety medicine man, can increase the body temperature of the dog.
There was a time when the cause of fever in dogs can not be explained; this is called the "fever of unknown origin" or FUO. It is the cause of FUO is usually caused by the body's immune system abnormalities, bone marrow problems behind, undetected infections and cancer.

Handling and Veterinarians 
If your dog has a temperature greater than 39◦4C, you should call your veterinarian. Dogs with fever above 41.1◦C is an emergency that must be dealt with immediately.

If your dog has a body temperature above 40.5◦C, you can help lower the body temperature by way of wiping the fur with cold water, especially around the ears and feet. Use fans to damp hair can help lower body temperature. Be sure to pay attention to the temperature taken from the rectum as long as you do the things above, and stop the cooling procedure after your dog's body temperature is at 39.4◦C.

If your dog had a fever, try to give him water to drink little by little so that fluid in the body to stay awake, but do not force your dog to drink. Never give your dog human medicine to reduce fever, such as acetaminophen or aspirin because they are toxic to dogs and can cause severe injury or even death.


1 Komentar:

Pada 30 Juli 2018 pukul 12.42 , Anonymous Anonim mengatakan...

This is very educational content and written well for a change. It's nice to see that some people still understand how to write a quality post.! how to tell if your dog has a fever


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