Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Causes of blood in urine Dog.

It is not uncommon for dog owners shocked after seeing traces of blood in their dog's urine. They often directly bring their dogs to the vet fearing the worst. Most of the presence of blood in the urine causes mild. But such a phrase often heard "better safe than sorry", better be safe than sorry, sooner the cause is known, it's quicker and faster treatments are also given time to heal. 

Blood in the urine may look pinkish color because of the color of blood is mixed with urine and change color. When you see the red of fresh blood, the blood usually do not mix with the urine but coming from the vagina or anal area. This is very important for pet owners, to detect where the blood came from, whether from urine, blood or urine and the mixture coming from the back of the dog (not from urine). 

Some of the following are common (not too common) causes of blood in dog urine. 

Causes of blood in dog urine: 

Urinary Tract Infection 
Dogs that showed blood in their urine often accompanied by other common symptoms such as frequent urination, pain when defecating, straining when defecating, licking the genitals and fever. This condition can be easily treated with antibiotics. 

Bladder stones 
Stones in the bladder may be referred to as uroliths, it is not uncommon in dogs. There are two common types of bladder stones found in dogs, namely: struvite stones and calcium oxalate stones. Dogs with a stone in his bladder will show pain when defecating, straining when defecating, and bloody urine. Treatment typically consists of dietary changes, in the case of large bladder stones, needed surgery to remove the stone. 

Prostate infection 
Prostate Infection attacks only intact male dogs. The symptoms of prostate infection in dogs refers comprising: bloody urine, prostate increase in size, difficulty and pain during urination, lack of appetite and fever. 

Estrus cycle 
When the estrous cycle is obvious in intact female dogs, as dog lust period, most novice dog owners do not know this. A female dog will be dakam cycle of lust at the age of six months, and will experience vaginal bleeding and swelling them for a week. Then the bleeding will stop after 7-10 days and will be replaced by a yellowish-colored liquid. This indicates the dog is ready to mate. 

Rahim infection (Pyometra) 
Uterine infection can only strike intact female dogs. Most dog owners respond pyometra confusion as female dog estrus cycle, but often surprise their owners, that the second estrus cycle reappear at intervals of just a few weeks after the first estrus cycle. However, this is a hallmark of pyometra, appear among the next 4 to 8 weeks after the last estrus cycle. 

When open pyometra, a female dog will emit a foul odor, vaginal mucus and blood from them, more often seen like tomato soup. In this case, the female dog was given antibiotics to cure the infection, fluids to keep them hydrated and often the uterus they should be discarded. 

Tick ​​Borne Diseases 
These creatures are known to cause disturbing and disgusting variety of disease, transmitted by ticks that can cause bloody urine and other symptoms. 

Causes The most common cause of bleeding is rat poison. Dogs that ingest rat poison containing Warfarin will develop blood clotting disorders and bloody urine can be one of the symptoms. 

There are several other causes that lead to bloody urine in dogs. One is the trauma experienced by the bladder and some forms of cancer involving the urinary system or the reproductive system. 

Dogs that showed blood in their urine should frequently visit the vet. To help veterinarians diagnose, urine tests are very helpful. The size of a teaspoon is enough and the urine should be stored in a sterile container, and if possible should be written the name, the date and time when the urine is taken. Samples of urine should be fresh, not longer than 4 hours. Better to put the samples in refrigeration or freezer.


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