Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Symptoms of Diabetes In Dogs.

Symptoms symptoms of diabetes in dogs 

1. Drink plenty of water

Although it is natural for your dog to feel thirsty during the summer or after doing a bit of strenuous exercise, excessive drinking of water throughout the day and it continued for a few days may be a sign of diabetes. If you find that you have to fill the water bowl more often, you might want to check your dog for a diabetes test. Other diseases can also cause increased thirst in dogs, so check your dog to the vet is a good idea.

2. Many urination
If your dog is drinking lots of water, then they will waste a lot of water too. So, if you do not know how much your dog to drink (because it happens gradually), you will definitely realize your dog's desire to defecate.

3. Your dog has a smell "sweet breath"
Most dog owners will complain about the "breath" dog, so it is likely that you will be aware if your dog has a bad smell "sweet breath". This is a sign that the blood sugar levels in your dog have risen higher and takes care to make it balanced.

4. Looks weak and exhausted
Your dog can also look weak and tired on most days. If your dog is generally an active dog and suddenly shows any of these symptoms for a few days, do a test of their diabetes.

5. Loss of weight
In general, Diabetes will cause the dog to experience weight gain, but sometimes a dog will continue to lose weight. Regardless of whether this is an early symptom of diabetes or not, you need to take your dog to the vet to perform certain tests to rule out other types of serious diseases.

The things above are only the symptoms of diabetes in dogs. To ensure the disease suffered by your dog or not, take your dog to the vet to be checked and tested diabetes.


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