Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Stomach Bloating and the Dog Fart.

The reason why the dog has gas inside His stomach 

Dogs have the same reasons humans when flatulence (farting). Existing gas in the stomach is a normal working system of the body where it can not be eliminated entirely. However, excess gas can be reduced, and find out why the first step.

Flatulence is the result of the accumulation of gases contained in the digestive tract. These gases are trapped in there because some of the following below:

Swallowing excessive air (especially when they devour food greedily) can cause excess gas. Remember, what goes in must come out. If your dog does not burp issued swallowed air, then the gas will come out through the other end. Nonetheless, abdominal bloating caused by swallowed air usually does not cause strong odors.
Is a normal process of digestion to produce gas in the intestinal tract. Foul-smelling gas frequently caused by bacteria in the gut that help digest foods that are not fully digested in the stomach and small intestine.
Infections, diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can cause excessive gas production.

If a dog has excessive gas in the stomach with a foul odor, the probable cause is food. However, it could also be the result of infection or disease.

How do I reduce bloating in your dog. 
First thing: if your dog shows symptoms of the disease? If so, your dog should be taken to the vet before you try to cope on their own flatulence in your dog. Signs such as diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite accompanied by flatulence can indicate a problem in the gastrointestinal tract. Although your dog shows symptoms of other diseases that seem unrelated to his abdominal bloating, you should still take him to the vet before changing diet or treatment.

If your dog looks fine in addition to the gas, the next step is to make sure your dog is healthy overall. All dogs should be tested for their health by a veterinarian every 6-12 months. If your dog has been visiting the vet for the last 6-12 months, with no evidence of any health problems, then great. If not, you better make an appointment to see the vet before you tackle your dog's flatulence on his own.

If your dog looks healthy as a whole, then the following things that you can change in an effort to expedite the release of gas contained in the stomach:

Change your dog's food. Dog food you provide can lead to the production of excessive gas in your dog. If you give your dog low quality food "economical" food that is full of 'fillers' or foods made from corn and food 'by-products' or processed foods made from organs that are not eaten by humans, try to change the food with better quality food made ​​from whole food ingredients. Try a natural dog food (naturally), holistic. You can also consider homemade food. Avoid materials that can produce excessive gas, such as soy, milk, nuts and fruit.

Slow eating your dog. You can feed your dog in smaller portions but more often in a day, or use a bowl to eat that are specifically designed to slow down your dog's way of eating.
Try probiotics. When the benefits of probiotics being debated among professional scholars, but of course it does not harm if you try to add good bacteria into your dog's gastrointestinal tract. Make sure you use a high quality probiotic that is suitable for your dog. Ask your veterinarian to recommend it.
Try food supplements. The use of Yucca schidigera or Zinc acetate has been shown to reduce the smell of gas, but not the gas. Activated charcoal is also known to reduce the smell of gas. Before you start giving your dog supplements, be sure to choose a product that can be used / intended for use in dogs.

When you decide to change one of the above, make sure to try one option at a time to ensure a way which can work well. If none of that works, you can try to incorporate some way at one time. Remember, if at any point the case of diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite or other symptoms in your dog, you should take him to the vet.

When you are waiting for the above methods work, one easy way to reduce gas in your dog is to exercise. A walk your dog 30 minutes after meals can help remove these gases faster, let your dog out of gas outside the house where the gas smell is not clear odorless.


2 Komentar:

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