Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Importance Of Water In The Body Dogs.

Dogs can live if he loses all the fat and half the protein of the body. However, the dog will die if the body loses fluids even if it's just water alone 1/10. 

To survive, adult dog requires, at least, two milliliters of water / 0.45kg body of the dog every day (remember that there are 30 milliliters of water / 16 ounces). Two milliliter enough for the dog to produce urine in the dog's body. Insufficient water to produce urine, your dog, or any dog, can not survive. 

When given a considerable amount of water, your dog will drink more than two milliliters required. This is particularly true when you are always providing clean water for her. Giving your dog enough water every day is enough to make it live, but not for long periods of time. Lack of water can damage the body and end the brother was completely function. Your dog will become weak, ill and die. 

The importance of water to give your dog more than needed: 

Water is used to digest and absorb nutrients. 
Water is used to burn fat, which is converted into energy. 
Water is responsible for regulating the body's normal temperature. 
Drinking enough water can replace the loss of fluid in the body due to secretion. 

Water is also responsible for mixing chemicals that vary in the body so that they dissolve and turn into another chemical reaction. 
Water carries nutrients to the cells and also transfer toxic substances processed products to other organs of the body to be cleaned. With the loss of water in the body, these organs can not remove toxins from the body. 
Last but not least, water is required to regulate the acid levels in the blood. 

As you can see above, the water is always enabled by every action that occurs in the body of a dog. And due to lack of constant and level of water needed, water is an essential nutrient needed by all types of dogs.


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