Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Epilepsy in Dogs.

Although epilepsy is often known as a seizure disorder in humans, dog owners are often shocked by their discovery of epilepsy in dogs. Epilepsy in dogs reportedly experienced by 5% of dogs. By being aware of the signs and condition, you can protect your pet and give it the care it needs. 

Is Epilepsy in Dogs? 
Epilepsy in dogs is a genetic disorder that causes seizures that are not grounded in your pet. There is no specific dog breeds that are resistant to epilepsy, though the condition is more common in some dog breeds such as German Shepherd and Beagle. Epilepsy in dogs is the same with epilepsy in humans, which is the explosion of activity in the brain, providing the transmission of nerve signals and interfere with coordination. Epilepsy generally occur in the first two years of your dog's life, but symptoms can also arise even at the age of dogs older than 5 years. 

On Epilepsy Symptoms and Stage 
Changes in attitudes often arise after a dog attacked by epilepsy. Dogs may become more aggressive, running around, getting angry and visible muscle spasms and twitching. The dog will become more tense before epileptic seizures and you are looking to make himself comfortable. Your dog will then start shaking and will not be aware of his surroundings and can not respond to your commands. After not respond, the dog will become stiff and fall. They will salivate and ground his teeth as long as they have seizures and they lost control of their limbs. Often the dog does not seem to breathe when this incident took place. When the dog became aware of the attack, the dog will look staggered, looked exhausted and slept for a while, some of the other dogs will be temporarily blinded as a result of the seizure. 

Types of Epilepsy 
1.Epilepsi primary, is Idiopathic Epilepsy, which arises in the absence of the cause and not visible abnormalities in the brain if checked. This form of epilepsy is believed to arise because it is a derivative or innate. 

2.Epilepsi secondary has a cause, usually a lesion or injury to the brain. 

Causes of Epilepsy 
In the primary type of epilepsy there is no cause, but secondary epilepsy can be caused by various medical conditions and other matters, among others: 

* brain tumors 
* infections of the brain 
* Low thyroid 
* Low blood sugar 
* vaccination 

What can you do? 

When your dog has a seizure, you must be calm, take note of his behavior before, during, and after the seizure is to be reported to the vet. Measure your dog's body temperature, if the symptoms of epilepsy arises only on one side of the body, ingestion of toxins, trauma, vaccination, diet, and all types of information can help your veterinarian to give a proper diagnosis. 

Make sure your dog is not located close to the stairs, sharp objects or other objects that can fall off or override it and injure your dog. When your dog has a seizure, you should not try to put your hand in his mouth, the dog has sharp teeth, when having a seizure, your dog can not control his body and the dog can accidentally bite you. Most epileptic seizures caused not require medical treatment, especially if they are already receiving treatment. If your dog attacked seizures for more than 20 minutes or seizures are repeated continuously, it can be fatal, and you should contact your veterinarian. 

Caring is difficult epilepsy in dogs, especially if the other conditions that cause a dog having a seizure. Ear infections can result in your dog lose balance. Respiratory disease can result in your dog visible exhaustion or lack of oxygen and cause your dog swoon. Ingestion of toxins, the presence of liver flukes or hit by a car, can cause seizures. After receiving a diagnosis for epilepsy, treatment usually includes medicine eat to reduce or prevent seizures.


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