Jumat, 17 Oktober 2014

Acupuncture Therapy For Alternative Treatment In Dogs.

Have you ever had a pet that suddenly developed hind leg paralysis, stroke or other chronic diseases and treated by a veterinarian when your subscription was not able to recover and eventually be given the option to "put to sleep" just so that the animal does not suffer too much. You now do not need to worry about the "verdict" death of a veterinarian.

Apparently there is an alternative treatment of the animals with acupuncture therapy or better known as acupuncture for your pet is. Dozens of dogs and cats have been able to be
extended because of her age escape euthanasia verdict. Many pet owners are happy because their favorite animal to play with members of his family back.

In Indonesia, engineering and development of acupuncture therapy for animals is still lacking when compared to acupuncture for humans. Just a few vets in Indonesia that master and able to apply acupuncture therapy for these animals. Though acupuncture therapy will be able to provide rapid recovery and maximum if promptly treated animals during the onset of pain. Currently only in Jakarta and Surabaya are there acupuncturist for animals and the numbers could still be counted on the fingers.

The number of acupuncture points different animals in each species to and less than the acupuncture points in humans. The location of the point is almost the same as in humans, only a few points are located differently. If in humans, there are more than 350 points, the number of acupuncture points in dogs only approximately 84 points, while for cats less. In addition to using acupuncture needles, there are other methods of acupuncture, al: acupressure (pressure = pressure, using finger pressure or other tools on acupoints), aquapuncture (aqua = water, using vitamins or saline injection at acupoints), electro accupunture (using stimulation electricity), heat stimuli, using magnets, ultrasound and most recently laser accupunture method (using a laser beam).

Animal Clinic "Nature Vet" has begun to apply acupuncture therapy for these animals since late 2004 and has been dealing with various diseases such as paralysis of limbs, chronic diseases, epilepsy, stroke, gallstones, pneumonia and so on. In fact we already have facilities laser tool for cases were a little hard done by the usual method of acupuncture. The key of the therapeutic healing Alternatives are patience and tenacity and discipline of the owner to meet the recommended treatment schedule.

Therefore, before making a final decision sad, not hurt your pet acupuncture therapy first. Who knew life could still be saved.


1 Komentar:

Pada 23 Agustus 2018 pukul 23.45 , Anonymous Anonim mengatakan...

In exotic animal veterinarian nowadays is offers animal acupuncture.


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