Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

Tracheal Collapse, causes of asthma in the dog's voice.

Tracheal collapse is a condition in which the narrowing of the orifice blockage of the airways and causes breathing in dogs. The trachea, or throat through which air is transported to and from the lungs. The trachea has a shape that looks like a vacuum cleaner hose containing rings of cartilage. The rings they will be shaped like the letter C, with the open part of the "C" facing up.

How Tracheal collapse occurs 
The condition can Tracheal Collapse of birth defects (congenital) or it could be a condition that occurs due to a case. When this condition is congenital, it could be due to a shortage of certain components of cartilage rings, such as calcium, chondroitin, glycoproteins, and glycosaminoglycans. 

For conditions of tracheal collapse caused by something, usually often caused by chronic respiratory disease, Cushing's disease and heart disease. This condition can lead to serious airway obstruction in dogs.

The symptoms of tracheal collapse 
Tracheal collapse is most common in small breed dogs such as Chihuahua, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Pomeranian, Pug, Shih Tzu, Toy Poodle and Yorkshire. One of the signs of tracheal collapse is a dry cough that sounds like a goose honking sound or wheezing sound. Other signs include labored breathing, bluish color of the gums, weakness or not excited during exercise (exercise intolerance), and choking when eating or drinking. Cough and other signs can be triggered by obesity, exercise, hot and humid weather or when the dog is eating, drinking, too excited and stressed. 

The diagnosis of tracheal collapse 
Tracheal collapse can be diagnosed in several ways: 
- X-ray 
- Fluoroscopy, enabling the vet to be able to see the condition of the dog trachea when breathing in and out. 
- Endoscopy, allowing to see the condition of the trachea with a small camera. 
- Sometimes an echocardiogram is recommended to evaluate cardiac function. 

Diseases of the respiratory tract else can go wrong sometimes considered a tracheal collapse, which included a foreign object in respiratory, laryngeal paralysis, elongated soft palate, an infection of the trachea, lung, or heart failure, as well as tumors or polyps. Therefore, it is very important for you to get a definitive diagnosis and not just guessing. 

Treatment options tracheal collapse 
Treatment for mild to moderate cases include cough reliever, antispasmodic, bronchodilator, and a sedative to help reduce coughing spasms and anxiety related. It is important to cure cough because cough can cause irritation of the airways and cause more severe cough. Treatment with medications can work about 70 percent of dogs with mild cases. 

For dogs that do not respond after being given drugs, or for severe cases, surgery may be recommended. For dogs aged 6 years and above, the success of smaller operations.

That need to be considered by the owners who have dogs with tracheal collapse 
If your dog is overweight / obesity, it is important to lose weight. In addition, the dog must also protect the environment from pollution and smoke free environment. Replacing the harness collar. Not recommended to use anything around the neck, because it is very important to reduce the pressure on the throat.


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