Minggu, 19 Oktober 2014

Wheelchairs For Dogs Paralyzed (Paralysis).

Dogs that use Wheelchairs.

Wheelchairs 1.

Wheelchairs 2.

Wheelchairs 3.

Paralysis (paralysis) is one form of disease that often we find attacking our pet dogs and cats are very difficult and almost impossible to cure by using drugs. This type of disease can be caused by many factors including: 

1. Age 
The age factor is one factor causes paralysis is most often found on our pets. Usually the dog could have been paralyzed due to old age (range 9 years and above). 

2. Head Injuries 
Head injuries are also the cause of most cases of paralysis in dogs. Factors such as being hit by a car or motorcycle, Falling from heights, getting hit or kicked, and others. 

3. Diseases 
Factors rather rare disease causing immediate paralysis in dogs and cats. There are indeed some diseases such as Distemper can cause nerve paralysis, Tick Paralysis, stroke and others. 

4. Race / Breed 
Race or breed factors are also only occurs in certain races that are limited as to race Tackel, and Basset Hound Dashhund. In this race paralysis can occur due to the anatomy of the body and the ratio of the length of his legs and his daily activities are always active. 

Medically medicine there are several ways to try to cure the case - this case of paralysis, including the approach to the use of drugs, the approach of using alternative treatment and rehabilitation approaches using (using WHEELCHAIR = wheelchairs). 

Approaches using Acupuncture and Rehabilitation is a choice of the most widely and most useful that can be done in dealing with paralysis in Dogs and Cats. In Indonesia there are many who use treatment techniques such as this, so we at Vitapet Animal Clinic has begun to introduce this treatment technique for the case - PARALYSIS cases.


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