Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

In Rhode Island, Dog Used As A New Method to Combat Child Pornography.

Police detective, Adam Houston brings Thoreau out of his car. Yellow labrador dog is 2 years old, trained to sniff out devices such as thumb drives and hard drives used by traffickers / traffickers to store photographs. 

The war on sex crimes continue to be encouraged by many countries. But innovation Rhode Island in the fight against child pornography is arguably eccentric. How not? There is no sniffer dogs are trained to recognize the files on the hard disc of the computer. 

The dog was named Thoreau are trained to sniff out a file containing child pornography in the hard disc. This is the first time the use of dogs to track computer equipment that could imprison owner smallest state in the United States.

Thoreau found the thumb drive hidden in a drawer in the center of the training room at the police headquarters in Scituate. 

Surely this is surprising because the content files in the computer hardware can not be identified through smell. Somehow the way Thoreau training for this task. But the dog is able to recognize the smell around the device so that the possibility of tracking through the owner.

In June last, patrol dog class to graduate 167 dogs that have been trained to detect drugs and electronic media, which is held by the Connecticut State Police Canine Unit. On the far left is Thoreau, who is now helping police in Rhode Island to track the computer's hard drive. 

This indicates that if the owner has a track record related to pornography, the new computer device will sniff Thoreau. The dog itself has undergone special training in Connecticut to recognize all sorts of things ranging from bombs to corpses. He has served in many countries and is now part of European efforts to combat sexual predators.


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