Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Train the way that dog whining and barking Currently Not Being in the Cage.

The behavior of the dog whining and barking when in the stable are the signs of separation anxiety (anxiety disorder split), which is a common reaction when a dog feels isolated / detached. His instincts that make dogs feel the need to tell you when he is separated from the pack / group (here you as the owner are considered part of your dog's pack). The trick to stop this behavior is to teach him that being at home just for a while and you will always come back to him.

1. Open the door of the cage and put some toys and a treat / snack on it. Let your dog go in to investigate the cage. He will most likely go into the cage because there is a toy and treat. The trick here is to make it build positive associations with the enclosure.

2. Give flattery and praise when he is in the cage. Do not close the barn door, let her explore the cage. By stroking and praise, you reinforce positive associations built.

3. Walk away from the cage. Chances are he'll follow you first, especially if he is of a fairly sticky dog with you. This is not a problem.

4. Repeat the above introduction cage like once every day. When you feel that your dog has built a positive relationship with the cage, try to close the door while he was in the cage, but you still be near the cage.

5. Talk to your dog and give him praise. He most likely will not see that you have closed the door, especially if he was glued to the piece.

6. Open the cage door and give praise and pleasant voice. You show your dog that when in the cage always give positive results for him.

7. Repeat session briefly closed the cage door as before, gradually increasing the time you close the cage door as he entered. Once he's happy even when the door is closed, start to increase the distance between you and your cage, but still in the position shown.

Preventing Dog Whining and barking :

1. Give praise when the dog is in a cage. If he is whining or barking, praise him and his back to the cage stops for 5 seconds. This will teach him that the positive stimulus in the form of praise will end soon so he whining, barking or whimpering. With enough repetition, he will learn that his own behavior that caused this and he will stop doing it.

2. Leave the room where the cages are, but listen if there is whining or barking sound. Count to 30 and then back to the cage and let him out. This is important so that when you come back up to not happen when he's whining or barking. If you go right back as soon as he did, then you show him that the whining and barking can make it out of the cage, so he will always do it every time. If you hear him whining or barking, wait until he stops just returned to her.

3. Repeat this process every day, gradually increasing the amount of your time to leave the cage or in the place where you are not visible.

- Turn on the TV or radio when you leave it to be in the cage. This will help keep the atmosphere becomes normal.

- When the daily feeding schedule, you can also put food into the cage.

- Remember never use your dog cage as punishment because he will associate the cage with punishment.

- If your dog is still under the age of 6 months, do not leave it in the cage more than 3 hours. He needs to urinate because the bladder can not hold as long as the age of adulthood, and he could get bored and he would not understand why he was left alone in an uncomfortable atmosphere.


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