Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

How to Do Cutting Dogs.

If you do themselves cutting inging puppies following the steps that should be done so that the cut is perfect.
* It is used to prepare a strong rubber to tie the tail, preferably made ​​from rubber nipples and a pair of scissors to cut the rubber.
* Cutting the tail on the puppy should be done when the puppy is 5-10 weeks old. Before you start cutting, note also the condition of the puppy. Puppies must be under normal conditions, in the sense that the puppy was not sick or anything else. If you have a puppy that his size is rather small compared to other puppies (one parent born), should be cut on the puppies was postponed first, two or three days later.
* At the time of tail docking using a rubber puppy, tail should not be too long or too short, because it would look less harmonious with the body shape (recommended better view or call a dog hobbyists who is experienced in cutting the puppies). Bonding rubber rounds twice in the same place. One round is less powerful, because the rubber can get off and slow down the process of cutting the tail. Usually puppies are tied tail will feel pain, but the condition was only lasts between 3-5 minutes of.
* Usually puppies will drop 4-7 days. At the time of breaking puppies, rubber attached to the puppies were also separated with his own.
 * Once we have the puppies had been broken off, it quickly gave Betadine ointment 3-4 times a day, to accelerate the wound healing process.
* Note also the behavior of the parent dogs. Usually the mother dog who saw her in pain due to tail dropping out, will be licking the wounds on the puppy with his tongue. Although this is a natural habit, but try to prevent the mother dog licks the wound on his tail, because it will result in a longer process of drying the wound. So that puppies were not licked kept by the parent, you can give a powdered quinine (malaria medication for pain) and appended to the new puppies dropped out, so the mother does not lick the wound, because of the bitter taste.


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