Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Caution, Dangerous Dogs Can Meat Consumption for the Body.

Eating dog meat is mostly done in some countries. In Korea, Vietnam, China and even Indonesia is also still consume dog meat. Not only endanger the health, dog meat can also be transmitted serious disease that can be life threatening.

Beyond the pros and cons, according to Indonesian food composition tables, the 100 grams of dog meat RW contains an energy of 198 kcal, 24.6 g protein, 10.5 g fat and 0.9 grams of carbohydrates.

When compared to beef, dog meat has a higher protein content and lower fat.

There are several reasons why dog meat is widely consumed. This is because dog meat is believed to have health benefits such as increase vitality of men, anti-inflammatory and body warmers. However, all these benefits do not have scientific evidence at all.

Based on the research results, it can be a dog meat intermediate disease transmission that can threaten the health of the body such as cholera, rabies trikinelosis well.

As reported in Skdogcatcampaign (08/13/2014) in the year 2011 in South Korea dog meat research ever conducted. A total of 17 samples were checked into Seoul dog meat Environmental Health Research Center.

After doing research, it turns out of 17 samples tested turned out to be found seven samples containing 6 types of normal bacteria, bacilli are 4 types of the large intestine (colon bacillus) and one type of yellow staphylococci which amount above the standard limit.

Handling is not good cause dangerous dog meat for consumption. Dog slaughter methods were different in each region. However, in general sold dog meat supplied from a breeder or stolen dog roaming the streets or abandoned dogs that are at risk of having rabies.

Rabies is a disease pathway by dogs, cats, monkeys, raccoons and bats. This disease is zoonotic which can be transmitted by animals to humans.

During the slaughter process, rabies can be transmitted to humans through the following methods in a butcher dogs often experience high stress and are more likely to bite people who handle and potentially transmit disease.

In addition, people who butchered dogs can also transmit the virus on their own if they touch your eyes or lips when there is a dog splashes in their hands.

For example, in 2007, there was an outbreak of rabies in Ba Vi, Vietnam, an important area for the dog meat trade. District Department of Animal Health (DAH) reported that 70% of deaths are from dog bites but 30% is considered as a result of exposure at the time of slaughter or cutting.

In the website Change for Animal, Dogs live in cramped cages placed in the poor quality of food. This factor causes infectious disease and high mortality. The breeders strive to use antibiotics and vaccines are haphazard and redundant.

A farmer says dog meat in Skdogcatcampaign (08/13/2014) he use of antibiotics over the allowed limit. For a large dog, weighing 20 kg is usually 15-20 ml injected antibiotics. It can be dangerous to people who eat them. 


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