Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

This Candidate World's Smallest Dog, Nail Polish Bottle As high.

Competition to compete for the title as the tiniest dog in the world now faces a new arrival.

Suni, a dog from Poland, is predicted as a candidate in the world's smallest dog, weighing only 3.25 ounces at the age of three months. Her height even just for a bottle of nail polish.

At birth, as quoted by ABC News, Sunni weighs only 1.58 ounces. Many people are hesitant terrier type dog that can survive with a body so small.

The owner, Anna Pohl, grateful to see Sunni survive to the age of three months even though it still feels anxious about his health.

"It was amazing seeing Sunni survive," Pohl said as quoted by the Huffington Post.

"When his mother, gave birth Pusia Suni, I think he pulled out the placenta. I almost threw it until I finally realized that the placenta began to move, "he continued.

Caring Suni is not easy. Pohl to be patient whenever Suni feed the little dog starve. He even often have to miss work because of fatigue treating Sunni.

To win the title of the smallest dogs of the Guinness World Record, Sunnis have to wait until the age of one year to finally compete with other small dogs.

Sunnis have to compete with Beyonce, two week old dog whose body is only for the iPhone and Milly, Chihuahua dogs of Puerto Rico are so small to be fed through a pipette.


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