Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Similar Dog Face It Considered Human.

KENTUCKY - A poodle mix breed dog and Shih Tzu in Kentucky is considered to have a face that resembles a human. The dog was recently rescued in Kentucky, United States (US) and is looking for a new employer.

The dog named Tonic is now being with NGOs after rescued from Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Group, in Indiana. Tonic is often described as a "sweet boy, who was looking for new things."

The dog rose is said to have a face like a human. Eye tonic bear enough, the line was a little wide mouth. The feathers on the top of the mouth Tonic also resembles a mustache.

The NGO said that the tonic is a great dog and harmless. However Tonic should not be around small boy. Similarly, as reported by the Daily Mail, Thursday (07/02/2013).

So far, Tonic requires the new employer was very anxious to take care of it. The dog will also be given a health certificate. According to reports, the two-year-old dog was almost killed and now, US citizens are required to pay a fund of $ 250, or approximately Rp2.4 million (Rp9.710 per $ 1).


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