Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Stages of Teeth Growth In Dogs.

Dental Puppies
All puppy / puppies are born without teeth. They have no teeth before the age of 6 to 8 weeks. Their teeth will grow as much as 28 teeth commonly known as milk teeth or baby teeth. The first baby teeth that will fall out is incisors (incisor), followed by the front molar teeth (premolars) and canines (canine). The puppy does not have a rear molar tooth (molar), there is only the front molars.

For puppies, teething continues for several months. For them, this can be a time of uncomfortable and painful. When puppies begin teething, they will be more likely to bite and chew and try different things and different textures to relieve the pain caused by the growth of teeth.

Teeth Date / Uninstall
Between the ages of 3 months and 7 months, the puppy will start on milk teeth. The roots of the baby teeth will be absorbed when the adult teeth grow and are replaced by permanent adult teeth. At the age of 3 months, the incisors start date to make room for the new adult teeth. At the age of 4 months, the adult molars and canines adults will begin to grow. Then between the ages of 6 months and 7 months, the rearmost molars will grow. Adult teeth will be complete by the age of 7 months to 8 months.

At the 8-month-old puppy, they should already have a full set of teeth for a total of 42 teeth, but some breeds / certain races have more teeth or less. Doberman Pinchers is an example of a dog that has fewer teeth. Type Spaniels and greyhounds tend to have more number of teeth with. Generally it is said also that the larger type of dog, the faster the growth of teeth, teething female dog earlier than male dogs and dogs with poor nutrition will be slower growth compared to the teeth of dogs who have good nutrition.

The solution to reduce the pain that comes when teething

There are some simple solutions to problems chewing and biting in dogs is caused by the growth of teeth. Try to give the ice stone or cloth that has been dipped in water, squeezed and frozen to freeze or numbs the gums that are inflamed. Prepare some rags that had been frozen earlier and give one to the puppy every 2 or 3 hours. Toys chew toy with a hard rubber material can also be used to relieve pain and provide a calming effect on dogs.

Give a massage on your dog's gums. Sitting behind a dog, use one hand to hold his chin, stroking the outside of the mouth gently. When the dog has relaxed, slowly raise the upper lip and the top and bottom massage gums in a circular motion. Light pressure will ease their discomfort.

Things to note:
  • A dog might have some baby teeth do not date to the time when all should have been replaced with adult teeth complete. Unless revoked, the baby teeth are still there to be a permanent dental crowding, pushing the accumulation of plaque and improper jaw alignment (malocclusion).
  • Be careful when choosing a chew toy / chew toy to help your dog cope with the pain of teething. Never give chew toys that can be easily torn or broken, because the pieces / fragments are ingested by your dog can cause serious digestive problems. Avoid toys that are shaped like the goods in your home because the dog can not tell the difference between a toy shoe with real shoes.


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