Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

How to resolve fights among dogs.

Fighting dogs is something unsettling and scary for any dog owner. Why say scary because their owners can no longer control the situation and attempt to stop the fight is very dangerous. Intervene in dog fights could result in serious injury to the person and may aggravate the injury suffered by dogs. Most dog fights can be prevented and to avoid a fight is the best choice.

What Causes Dog Fighting?
Understanding the common causes fights between dogs can help owners prevent that from happening. Keep in mind that regardless of the level of socialization and training, the dog is still an animal. Although they may be quite tolerant but all animals have a "cusp".

Common reasons that trigger the dog fights:

* Maintain the area of power
     many dogs will stand their ground and retain valuable thing for her. Food bowls, beds, bones, puppy and family members have all been cited as a "treasure" by the dog.

* Dominance
     Dogs that do not have the level of leadership in place may be a fight to determine who among them is the "top dog".

* The aggressiveness of fear
     Dogs that have not been socialized properly with other dogs might fight against other dogs out of fear, or attacked because of their behavior is rude and aggressive.

Here are some common reasons had reason to be involved in dog fights. If your dog tends to fight with another dog, consult with a trainer to help you find the cause so that you can find solutions to these problems.

How Prevention
to reduce the likelihood of dog fighting, there are steps that can be taken to help ensure the safety of your pet dog. Some of the protective measures that should be followed.
* Do not adopt a puppy under 8 weeks of age and should wait until they are 10 weeks before you take them from the mother and brother. Most dogs learn social approach during the period of the joint family.
 * Give your dog to obedience training. exercise should be positive and build a strong bond of trust between you and your dog. You definitely want your dog to listen to you and he should be trained to do that even though when he was interrupted.
* Socialize your dog to calm down when you are around people and other dogs. If he was afraid, look for professional help to help you eliminate fear in your dog. Do not force the dog is afraid to be with other dogs or other people until she can feel comfortable with the situation.
 * In the situation along the new dogs, make sure there are no bones, food, toys, bedding or other valuables in the area. This can allow your dog to get to know one another with other dogs without having to go through the struggle for food or other objects. If your dog is keeping you in the sense of affection do not want to divide the affection with other dogs, then you need some additional training before he can be safe with other dogs.
* Learn the body language and monitor if there are signs towards contention. Rigid body with head erect and gently swaying tail could be warning signs. Another sign is the wrathful gaze, body leaning forward, eyes wide and lips enlarged. It is a time to calm and quietly take your dog away from the situation. Do not wait to be tough what will happen.

Things That Should Not Do
Fighting dogs is a situation that requires a cool head. If you panic, you may be able to harm your dog and even your own. Stay calm and keep everything safe.
Not recommended for men to be involved in the middle of a dog fight. Dog fighting is not going to be able to recognize you as the owner. They think that they are fighting for their lives. Things not to do when the fight takes place is:
* Do not yell.
This will only worsen the situation already out of control.
* Never pull leash / collar of your dog.
     Interesting animal's neck was seen as an act of attacking the dog. You can be considered as a striker and is most likely to be bitten if you do this.
* Do not kick the dog.
     This can lead to you being bitten and can also cause a dog to bite his opponent faster.
* Do not pull the leash / leash.
     If you're wearing a dog leash / leash, do not pull the rope or trying to drag him away. The right time to pull it away is the time before the fight was going on. Loosen the strap so that your dog can stand up for herself and perhaps defuse the fight by using his own body language.

Also If Not Stop Fighting
There are several things you can try to distract the dog long enough to be able to control it back and separate them.
* Spray the dog with a hose or bucket of water throughout throw over them.
* Sounding the trumpet or hit the pan.
* Throw a big blanket over them.
* If there are two people, you may be able to reach each dog by lifting its hind legs and walk backwards. Make sure the dog is not biting another dog while you do it. This is not a safe option, and as a last resort when all other means have failed.


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