Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Tips to prepare for the arrival of your new dog.

Imagine if you just adopt or buy a dog, either adult or puppy. Your next responsibility is to prepare your home for the arrival of the dog and make a comfortable early days.

Plan much detail as possible when coming to your home is a dog that is energetic and even nervous. Secure breakable objects. Enter toxic cleaners in a safe place so that there is no chance for swallowed by your dog. Small objects that can be bitten and swallowed should be placed out of reach. If necessary, install a barrier to prevent dogs entering a specific room or up and down stairs. Although you may feel a bit stupid, walk around the house with your hands and knees and look at the situation from the point of the dog's perspective. Are there any really tempting to chew? Consider training to use the cage to prevent your new dog to roam freely if you are not at home. Or you can also safely apply fluid with a bad taste if ingested in objects to prevent your dog chew.

If you have children at home, especially still toddlers, they will need advice and instruction on the proper way to treat a dog. You should never leave children and dogs together without supervision, but the presence of good preparation will prevent many potential problems. Children should know that hitting, biting, pulling or poking a dog can cause an aggressive reaction. The sound of children crying, screaming and children who escape will encourage the dog to chase. Puppies can easily get hurt while playing and should be treated with caution for several weeks. Recommend children how to care for dogs; teach them the proper technique to feed the dog, washing the dog, walking the dog and how to care for the dog's health. Young people should also be involved in training and disciplining the dogs so that they are safe and responsible with their dogs.

You need to purchase a variety of goods to identify and care for dogs. Leashes are available in a wide range, including leather and nylon. The collar is made ​​of leather is strong, but may be brittle or become smelly if they are wet. Moisture-resistant nylon, but easily torn or damaged. You should consider before choosing a destination necklace. Depending on your needs, it may take more than one collar. Some necklaces enough to tag / ID and allow it to be hooked up to a leash / rope. Necklace with the other models to help in the training of the dog trainers, such as pinch / prong / choke collars. The use of choke collars must necklace with professional advice, should not be just anyone use this necklace on a dog because it will cause pain or discomfort to the dog. There are other collars that are used to take the dog walking / running while you are riding a bike. Choose a model necklace easily removed by you, but not easily open his own.

Most people prefer to have two straps / leash dogs, one short and one long. Each type of leash has the purpose of each: a useful short leash in a public place or a potentially dangerous situation; good long leash for exercise. Many companies are now making long leash can be customized to your needs. Choose an easy leash hooked on a necklace and strong enough to hold your dog. Leash is made ​​of leather, nylon or metal.

You will need a plate / bowl that is different to food and water. If you have more than one dog, they will each need their own food bowls, even though they might share the same water bowl. Bowls made ​​of ceramic and metal is preferred over plastic, because plastic can hold bacteria. The bowl should be washed at least twice a week. Special device to help dogs with special needs. By putting the bowl on top of a small table with a height equal chest dogs will provide comfort for neck and back large sized dog. Dogs with long ears and often unintentionally lower their ears dipped in water and food. Conical bowl will minimize this problem.

Give your dog a toy to chew on your furniture in order to avoid their bites. Bones are made ​​of durable nylon and help clean the teeth. Replace these bones when they are damaged. Model softer bone called a bone Gum. When we choose the toys, so many kinds. The toys were sold drawing this wide range of colors, shapes and textures. Almost all of the toy is safe, but avoid toys that are too small may be swallowed. Make sure that the toy is chewed for it's big enough so that the dog will not choke. We recommend that you do not leave your dog with the toy without supervision.


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