Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Overcoming Constipation (Difficult defecation) In Dogs.

Constipation (constipation) means no, infrequent or difficult bowel movements. Most dogs healthy defecate once or twice a day. This varies depending on the individual and diet. A day or even two days without a bowel movement do not worry, if faeces remained normal in size and out easily. But when the feces stuck in the colon for two or three days, the stool will become dry and hard, and cause the dog to be a strong push to be able to remove it. 

For the record, straining also occurs in dogs who have koalitis, blockage of the bladder and anorectal obstructions. It is important to ascertain if the dog does not suffer any of the problems earlier before treating the constipation problem. Remember, dogs with koalitis will spend a lot of small stool containing mucus and / or blood. 

Causes of Constipation / Constipation 
- Dehydration, lack of drinking 
- Ingestion of foreign objects 
- Blockage of the intestines 
- Side effects of drugs 
- Imbalance of fiber in the diet 
- Dogs hold back bowel movements. 
- Other health problems, such as hypothroidism although rare, but still worth noting. 

Overcoming Constipation / Constipation 
The key is of course to find out the cause and resolve the cause. 

According Vetinfo.com: most of which are mild constipation can be cured with home remedies or without administration of any medicine. However, if the condition is severe dog, then a doctor's care is needed. For mild cases, constipation can be treated with home remedies such as by providing pumpkin / Pumpkin. Pumpkin is rich in fiber, which is helpful in conditions such as constipation.

How: Pumpkin is peeled and grated fresh and give it to your dog, pumpkin has a laxative effect. Give the amount of not more than 5 tbsp (tablespoon) grated pumpkin in 2 times a day. If you give in greater numbers than these recommendations, the dog may experience diarrhea. Some people also prefer no way to cook the pumpkins and then give to the dog. Treatment with this pumpkin should give results within 24 hours. Dried feces from the intestines will absorb moisture from the pumpkin and the fiber will help release feces. If your dog can not also defecate after this treatment, then you should take him to the doctor, because it could be your dog has a more serious problem. The alternatives to pumpkin is olive oil, fish oil, and oatmeal. 

According Webmd.com: there are also a number of laxatives are available to treat constipation. Osmotic type laxative laxatives work draws water into the intestines and feces melt. This product contains lactulose (must be prescribed by a veterinarian) is the safest and most effective. Other types of laxatives, which Stimulant laxatives work by increasing the strength of intestinal peristalsis. It is highly effective in treating constipation, but repeated use can interfere with bowel function. Stimulant laxative that is commonly used is bisacodyl (Dulcolax). The dose for dogs is 5 mg to 20 mg per day. Laxatives is only used to treat constipation. If the drug is given to a dog that has a blockage, it can cause serious effects. This is not an option laxatives to prevent constipation and may not be used every day. 

Consult with your veterinarian before giving any type of laxative for your dog. Because using the wrong type of laxatives, use of the wrong dose, or giving that too often, it could hurt your dog. And also, do not give enemas or suppositories drug (a drug that is inserted through the anus) are designed for humans because it can be toxic to your dog.


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