Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Ten Fears and Phobias are the most common in the life of a dog.

Fear of Lightning - Astraphobia is the fear of lightning and this is a very common phobia in dogs. The level of fear on every dog is different. Some dogs have a mild fear mungkinakan bit shaky and tuck tail when there is lightning. While other dogs who have a severe phobia will make them hide, become destructive, or losing control over their bladder or stomach.

Fireworks - Just as lightning, fireworks have loud voices and glowing makes many dogs cower. For some dogs, to familiarize them slowly to the sound of fireworks may be able to eliminate phobias, but for dogs with severe phobias may require anti-anxiety drugs or tranquilizers.

Left Alone Fear - Fear is left alone in the house refers to a psychological illness Separation Anxiety. Dogs who suffer from the disease in destructive behavior tends to imply that when the owner leaves the house. Other symptoms include excessive barking and indiscriminate defecation when left alone.

Fear of Going to the Veterinarian - It is normal for a dog to be afraid to go to the vet. The first experience of going to the vet is usually associated with a strange odor, handled in a new way, controlled and vaccination. It is no wonder that so easily frightened dogs go to the vet.

Fear of Driving In Cars - Most dogs fear of riding in a car. The fear is usually associated with negative experiences while riding in a car such as nausea when in a car or car ride experience that is usually associated with a trip to the vet or to the shelter dogs

Fear Up Down Stairs - A dog owner may not realize that dog scared up and down the stairs until the dog urinate whenever approached the stairs. Some dogs can be easily persuaded to come out of his fear by making up and down the stairs as a game, but for some other dogs may need to be taught step by step.

Fear In Humans - Fear of dogs to humans is already a pretty common thing. In some cases this fear may stem from fear of being persecuted / tortured by humans and most of it is due to lack of socialization. Keep in mind that dogs are scared may be growling, gripping or biting someone as a result of this fear.

Fear With Strangers - Fear of strangers is similar to the fear of man, but in this case, a dog may be afraid of anyone who is not familiar. This may be a difficult problem to overcome because it is not possible to teach your dog to accept any new people. It's important to let your dog receive a new person in his own way. Forcing a dog is afraid to accept foreigners can encourage the dog to become aggressive.

Fear With Kids - Dog scared by children for several reasons. One is due to the lack of experience from the beginning. It is normal for people to have their pets before they became parents / have children so the dog does not have the opportunity to socialize with children. Dogs usually have a negative experience with children. When the children were well intentioned, the dog may interpret such affection as a threat.

Fear With Specific Bodies - Most dogs afraid of certain objects like a vacuum cleaner, children's toys and others. Usually this type of fear as this is not a big problem because some objects can be moved out of sight. In some cases, it might be a problem for example, every time you're cleaning the carpet with vacuum, your dog turned into trembling with fear. In this case, you may need to be slowly introduced to the feared object in a way that is positive and fun way.


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