Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Are Milk and Dairy Good for Dogs?

You might try to give milk to your dog because they think milk might be good for a dog's health. Or sometimes when you're eating ice cream, you can not bear to give it to your dog that keeps staring at the face memelasnya.

But, if the milk is actually good for your dog? and whether the dog really needs milk as an addition to the nutrients in the body?

Milk for Dogs

When the dog is still a puppy and is breastfed by the age of the mother, they accept dogs milk, which has a different composition from the commercial milk (which is mostly derived from cow's milk). Dog Milk contains a lot of protein, fats and also provide the necessary antibodies to prevent certain infections.

The puppy dog can tolerate milk well, but may not be able to tolerate cow's milk and other types. This is because cow's milk contains lactose, which most dogs can not tolerate it. Lactose is a kind of sugar. Not only in the form of a single sugar, but in the form of two sugar molecules linked together chemically. In order for a dog to digest milk, he must first break down lactose into sugars that are easily absorbed. However, the body of the dog does not have a special enzyme to break down the lactose. Lactase enzyme is. And, that's what causes the dog can not digest lactose well.

Lactose Intolerance in Dogs

As explained earlier, the reason why the dog should not be drinking milk is due to the lactose content in it, and a lot of dogs that have allergic reactions to these substances. The symptoms of lactose intolerance or lactose intolerance include:
- Rashes on the skin, especially the abdominal area
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Limp
- Bloating

These symptoms can be seen after the dog consuming milk or the next day, depending on how high the dog allergic to lactose. If these symptoms appear in dogs, you have to stop giving milk. You should also avoid other dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream or cheese, which all contain lactose.

If your dog did not show a negative reaction, then you can give him milk. Note, however, dogs can develop an allergic reaction to lactose when he was growing up, so it could have been your dog is not allergic to lactose at the age of 2 years, but it would appear allergic reactions or symptoms of lactose intolerance at the age of 5 years. Puppies can develop lactose intolerance (lactose intolerance) ranging from ages three to six months.

Fyi, any dairy products contain lactose different. The following comparison table:
The lower the lactose content of dairy products of any kind, the more likely it is for your dog can tolerate these foods without any problems. So, depending on the particular food, then it may still be OK to give some dairy products, of course, with sufficient levels. Still, if you see any negative reactions even in small levels, stop administration.

Lactose Free Milk

There are several brands that are formulated without milk containing lactose or soy (soy). This milk can be given to dogs that are allergic to lactose, but some dogs may also be allergic to soy. In fact, soy is one of the top among the list of foods that can cause allergies in dogs.

How Important Milk for Dogs?

Dog Milk is very important for the development of the puppy, and the puppy should be fed by its mother during the first 6 weeks of age. If a mother can not breastfeed, then the puppy will receive a special formula milk, but not cow's milk. According Dailypuppy.com, if the mother dog can not breastfeed, milk alternatives can be given a special formula for puppies, or goat's milk. You should still talk to your vet about giving the milk.

In reality, cow's milk or lactose-free milk is not necessary for the dog, and the dog can live without drinking milk or consuming dairy products. Milk is rich in calcium, but the dog can get it from sources other than milk. Instead of buying lactose-free milk is usually more expensive than regular milk, it is better to invest to buy a higher quality dog food.

In addition, rather than worry about what drinks can be taken by your pal, just stick to the classics, namely water and only water. Water is an essential component for healthy dogs and 100 percent nutritionally balanced.


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