Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014

Most Macho Dog, Stump and Muscular in the world.

Many people often mistakenly think that Wendy is a pitbull with a long snout, but the real Wendy Whippet is a dog, which includes a rare breed of dog.
Wendy has a rare genetic mutation that almost the entire body has the muscle mass of 2 times the normal level. Muscle mass is almost 27 Kg. No half-hearted, is no longer a sixpack stomach, but he had a 24-pack. Muscles in the neck is very thick.

"People have referred to it as Arnold Schwarzenegger," said owner Hansen, stroking Wendy's chest is black and white.

Dogs beside Wendy's is kind of normal Whippet dog of the same type as Wendy (compare different parts of the body)

The case of "double-muscled" have also occurred in humans, mice and cows.
Wendy has a weight of almost 2 times the normal size of a whippet, but he has a big head and the same height, the size of the heart and lungs are the same, so that Wendy might not be able to survive longer than a normal sized whippet.

Hansen and Wendy live in a fairly wide area, along with her ​​other dogs and horses.


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