Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

How to Greet Dogs Properly.

Question: "My dog ​​is usually behave well towards people, but when there are strangers came to greet him when we were walking around, he stepped back and growling. The behavior seems to get worse. Why is he doing this? '

Answer: The problem here is people do not know how to greet your dog. All would not be problematic if people heed two rules - never touch a dog without the owner's permission, and let the dog make the first contact. Do not come too fast toward the dog, the dog huddled too close, or frighten the dog. Under this pressure, some dogs will increase or decrease his total silence, pretending it was all a nightmare. Others will take action-usually barking or growling. Message is quite clear: when a stranger approached, barking and growling would keep people away from them. Soon, your dog is sweet and a little insecure been turned into a dog that likes to bark.

Many people can not understand why the dog afraid of them when they clearly indicate that they wanted to greet him. Try reverse its position and is now definitely more obvious reason. For example, you are afraid of spiders and your friends to come and show his pet spider on your face. If he kept telling you, "Tarantula is good really. You see a friendly expression?" or "Tarantula can not hurt anybody; he was a cute baby and innocent," will you suddenly feel safe?

Not really, in fact the only way you can get closer to the spider is if you begin to open yourself and want to close because of their own accord. That means you should be on the table or in a few places where you can keep your distance from the spider. Then, when you are ready mentally, you gradually approached for a closer look and even touch. The same thing applies to dogs. Not all dogs have a friendly nature of everyone or accustomed to meeting strangers, especially if they are already beginning to be shy since you adopted them or even before they pitch adoption, because they rarely do they meet with people. If you walk too close and disturb the dogs personal space or even stand up and reach out to touch him, he may feel threatened or unsure of your intentions. However, if you stand or crouch down on one knee while looking the other way (do not stare directly into the eyes of a dog), then he will approach and sniff you. Once she was more relaxed, then you can calmly stroked him under the chin and on the neck or body. By offering food (treats) in dogs are shy and let him pick out of your hands - you do not stare at the dog's eyes of course - will accelerate the process of friendship and also teach the dog to associate foreigners with good things.

Often, people succeeded in his first attempt to greet a dog but when they made ​​a sudden movement, the dog was scared and threatened and he will try to bite or run away. It is also similar to the incidence of spiders. When you feel comfortable to watch and touch the tarantula, when suddenly he was moving his mouth or feet into the air, you will probably jump from fear. You would think that the movement is a terrible thing, for example, the movement of jumping into your face and bite you. In fact, for the tarantula itself, the movement may be a reflex movement or movement to change position or even a movement that shows that he is your friend. So the way to make sure that you do not scare the dog after the initial introduction is slowly getting used dogs to be near you in a few different positions. Avoid attaching the body to the head or a dog or pull stroke and hug so he felt confined. Better to move slowly so that she is no chance for retreat. Most importantly, keep an eye on the signs given through body language. Do dogs tense and scared, her eyes move on or continue to look the other way while he is silent? Or is it evaporates, removing and quick tongue, or panting with lips pulled back? It is a sign that the dog is feeling anxious. At times like this, make sure that you give the dog his own space.
If the dog's pupils dilated or constricted and he suddenly stiff and really does not move or give you a glare, he might bite in a short time. But, if you still have time, you can avoid the gaze of the dog calm, look the other way and get away from the dog.

Body language should you get when you want to say hello to a dog is a dog that is relaxed and not agitated, and his eyes looked steadily and gently. His tail should shake down or silence. If people let the dog approach them with their own and want to give food magically appeared suddenly without imposing themselves on the floor to pet the dog, the dog would come in person to get acquainted.


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