Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Artificial Insemination in Dogs.

On this day, many dog breeders and veterinarians assess artificial insemination in dogs as a very valuable technology. Many of those who saw it as a way to improve the quality of the dog breeds to overcome the limitations of space and time. An outstanding stud, chosen because of their versatility, character and adjustments can continue to produce offspring, even after his death, or inbred with female separated by a distance of thousands of kilometers. In addition, by storing semen (semen), the males can be mated with more females than he is able to do, if mated normal mating process in general. There are also cases where this extraordinary injured males and females can not climb. Genetically they certainly do not change and artificial insemination can help them to contribute to their breeds. A female who has the same quality as the stud above and have the potential to build a kennel of his descendants, may not yet be ready to be mated, but a marriage can be planned, semen from males can be taken and stored until the female is ready to breed.

On this day, the technique and the way of artificial insemination can be done in a way that is easy and is done by many individuals and most veterinary clinics. While this is nothing new in the world of dog health, it has been done successfully in cattle and other animal types for decades. Although we rely on the shoulders of researchers and development experience gained from the practice of insemination were performed in cattle, we still can not be expected success rate. This is not because of our expertise, but rather the stability of the dog sperm when frozen or refrigerated. In addition, the livestock, the regularity of the female reproductive physiology and competence has been consistently selected for breeding, while this does not occur in dogs. Livestock do not have a system of estrus or so in the high fertility rate of elimination by the herd. This is a very pragmatic business. On the treatment of dogs, breeders often are emotionally attached to their dogs. They ruitn breed sires who have problems with irregular cycles, thus allowing undesirable characteristics remain in its genetic.

Taking Sperm
How to retrieve sperm from the male dog is very simple. A female in heat brought together with males. When the male is trying to climb betika, males penis is directed into the artificial vagina and stimulated to achieve ejaculation. Attendance is useful to excite the female from the male sperm so that the decision easier. (During estrus, organic compounds, known as 'pheromones' are removed from the female vagina. These chemicals are responsible to draw air even remotely males to females. It even shows the level of female lust.). However, females as it also does not always exist when making sperm from the male is done. In such cases, conducted a practice in which the cotton is applied when a female is experiencing the highest rate of estrus and cotton then kept frozen. And at the time of retrieval of sperm from the male, the cotton can be added to the area around the tail of any dog (including those already sterilized). Males will give the same response as when females experiencing lust.

evaluation of Sperm
After retrieval of sperm, the sperm cells are checked to ensure that the sperm is checked to ensure they are fairly concentrated, moving well and normal anatomy. This is because we know that many males "sterile", the problem is not that they do not produce sperm, but their quality or quantity is very low. Fertile males may have cells of abnormal sperm, which can not travel all the way into the female oviduct, or can not penetrate the egg so that fertilization does not occur. Microscopic evaluation of sperm does not guarantee that the sperm that is, in fact, capable of fertilization. Perhaps the presence of defects in the sperm DNA molecular level, making the males sterile.

If sperm seems adequate and appear normal, they can be immediately injected into a female with long plastic or glass tube. Aligned to be able to enter at least up to the level of the cervix, where the big dogs are a few inches into.

If females are not bred in the near future, then the sperm can be refrigerated or frozen. Cooled sperm must be used within 24 hours and can be sent to any city or abroad with "Pack Up Tomorrow", and females can be bred with sperm the next day. This has made ​​the male dog can be married by a female from all over the world without one or both of the dogs had to travel.

Frozen Sperm
Sperm can also be frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored tubes for years. This makes the female can be bred with males for miles away or even dead several years ago. When we consider the cost of the stud and or send one or two animals to mate, sperm can be frozen or refrigerated cheaper. Furthermore, it increased the number of potential males to choose from.

Sexual arousal cycle in females
In a typical cycle of estrus dogs (our emphasis on working dogs, because in some breeds, the female becomes increasingly difficult to find), dogs vagina swollen and bleed for 7 to 9 days. This is the phase of preparation of pro-oestrus. Then the bleeding slowed, and being female becomes receptive to the male and allow him to mate. It is estrus. Just as long as 3-7 days of Estrus which allows females to conceive.

After 3-7 days, the female will move to Metestrous stage, where he will no longer fertile, and not responsive to the stud.

'Breeder Troubled'
Sometimes artificial insemination is used even though the dogs are present. This arises when one or even both both male and female dogs come from breeders who have problems. In this case, the stud will not ride or show interest in females, males or females are not allowed to ride it. Often, this occurs in dogs that have not been experienced. In the wild dogs, the breed is a component that is learned when young males learn of ways to play around and from observing an adult dog. By separating the puppies their age 7 to 8 weeks, we have eliminated the portion of this study. When mating your dog for the first time, try to have one of two experienced breeders. Usually these dogs, female or male will "take expert".

In other cases, the dogs equally has no interest in marriage. This is because females have not reached the peak of the cycle of lust. Thus, females would not be stimulated with either males or not allow her to climb. Over the years, we also asked why the marriage did not happen as it should, only to find that females have not reached the peak of lust. This sometimes can be ascertained from the attitude. However, easily and accurately determined by a Pap smear and examined under a microscope or through a blood test that determines the level of the hormone progesterone. However, there are instances where a dog's behavior problems will not breed. Females in estrus stage right, but one or the other males do not have a natural desire to mate.

Concerns Artificial Insemination Process

One problem with the planned breeding is that every time we opted for something, without realizing the other unwanted things also elected. On this day, many breeds, many dogs that show abnormal reproductive physiology. Proestrus stage lasts 3 to 5 weeks, males have abnormal sperm, women never really experience the estrous cycle, the numbers decreased drastically child, parent avoid their offspring, etc. Sooner or later, a good breeder will see this and realize this problem. They should throw this character apart from the pelvis and eye abnormalities. By using artificial insemination to overcome this problem, they just add to the problem.

Another concern is when using artificial insemination and one of the two dogs are vicious and attack the other dog. The attitude of a character to be selected as we did with the intelligence and adjustment. Anyone who has ever helped the little ones to beat his fear of animals after having been bitten or been involved in a legal case, it must be aware of this.

Many breeders who live with the belief that one of the security, that the disease can not be transmitted between dogs that were bred, if artificial insemination is used. To be honest, can not catch any males than females, because males never come into contact with the female. However, certain conditions can cause some of the females through sperm.

In addition, it should be remembered that the artificial insemination in dogs, do not have a success rate as seen in the natural relationship. Depending on tekni and the ability of people who do. Breeders only hope 65% to 85% success, and in general there is a smaller pups. This difference may be due to the stud and its parent, but can still be developed.

If used properly, artificial insemination is a very useful technology to improve the quality of the dogs in all breeds, and gives you a breeder friend who berpontesial. If used genetically like to get rid of unwanted characters (compared passed on to their descendants), or to improve the character that has the potential for good and desirable, will bring positive effects if used.


1 Komentar:

Pada 19 Februari 2015 pukul 01.40 , Blogger Ahmed mengatakan...

Very nice and informative article and love it. Yes I agree with you that if dog is available then A.I kits for dogs must not be used. Artificial insemination should be used only when dog is not available.


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