Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Apparently Dogs Can People Distinguish Identical Twins.

Dogs can distinguish between identical twins. These findings could change the way people train dogs to recognize that as long as this is done by recognizing the smell. Thus the results of research scientists in the Czech Republic.

In the experiment, the researchers tried the dog's ability to distinguish between two sets of identical twins that is, two boys aged 5 years and two daughters aged 7 years. Researchers have also tried to use the two fraternal twin girls aged 8 years and men 13 years. Fraternal twins are the same but the child born from two eggs fertilized by two different sperm cells.

Experiments carried out with 10 dogs german shepherd and each dog performs 12 tests. All dogs are required to kiss a handkerchief and looking for the same odor of 7 chances. From experiments, the researchers found that all the dogs chose the correct answer.

The dog was able to distinguish a son from his twin without once making a mistake. Dogs can still guess despite all the twins were staying in the same place and eat the same food with its twin.

For comparison, a DNA test can not distinguish between identical twins, although the DNA test was able to distinguish fraternal twins who only has a similar gene with its twin. "Dogs can discriminate odors of identical twins if he is very well trained," said Ludek Bartos, an ecologist at the origin of the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.

Regarding how dogs can distinguish identical twins, researchers acknowledge the possibility of external factors such as infections that can affect body odor every twins. "It should be stressed that we are still far from explaining the reasons why the twins are different," said Bartos.

However, Bartos said, future research has been able to focus on whether or when the smell of the twins began to differ with age. The results of this study alone has appeared in the journal PLoS ONE. (National Geographic Indonesia / Abiyu Pradipa).


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