Jumat, 24 Oktober 2014

Dogs Legend Terrible What Not To Know.

Dogs dreadful legend you may not know before. It is said that every dog has little difference with the wolves alone. No matter how tame the animals you are, your dog has a natural instinct of a wild animal, which is a killer. Our ancestors knew it, so they often tell stories about the culture and mythology legend terrible dog, which will be presented below.

Dog Legend Terrible, namely:

Terrible First Dog Legend: Cadejo Black

Legend of the Central American people may seldom presented. Although we all may have been familiar with the likes of Maya and Aztec, Ladino community legend, Guatemala rarely mentioned.

One legend about the dogs they are terrible legend, Cadejo, the ghost that uses a dog's body. According to legend, there are three types of Cadejo, Cadejo black and white, dogs born from Cadejo, and Satan. Cadejo black is evil Cadejo, who will prowl On the night-a night without moon to steal the souls of their prey. This creature can not be killed, and the only way to protect against this creature is to ask for help Cadejo white.

The story of this black Cadejo exist in all regions of Guatemala, but the description of this black Cadejo generally the same: black Cadejo is a creature shaped like a large black dog at night, with eyes that light up like coal. This dog has the footprints of goats, instead of footprints dog. One of the stories about this Cadejo Cadejo explained that a black was following a drunken man at night. The drunken man was attacked by thieves, but the creature that killed the entire thief. Assuming that the dog is a patron, the drunkard bring the dog home, but the right front door of his home, the black Cadejo kill this man.

Dog Legend Terrible Two: Teju Jagua.

Until recently, the Guarani language has no written form. Traditions and legends passed down through word of mouth, and many of these stories change drastically, like hills and mountains derivative Paraguay and southern Brazil.

But one of the legends that sounds horrible to the rest of society Guarani is one of the legends of terrible stories about dogs: Teju Jagua, the god of dogs with seven heads. This deity is one of the seven legendary monsters in Guarani mythology, where everything is born of Tau.

Teju Jagua live in the forest filled with fruit trees. On the one hand hutam, no magic hill lined with honey flowing. Teju Jagua keep this place from the grip of the devil. 7 heads of these dogs could see in all directions, and his eyes can shoot fire. It is said if you look at this creature, you will be blind. And when he roared, Earth will shake.

Dog Legend Terrible Three: Cu Sith.

One of the dogs this terrible legends, namely Cu Sith, described as a large wild creatures that live rock plateau region of Scotland. The size of a cow, Cu Sith have green fur, teeth like a razor blade, and a foot that is larger than a human hand. Aside from the terrible physical description, this creature has a purpose that is no less intimidating, which collects all the souls after they died. It is said if you are killed by Cu Sith, you will suffer in this life and the next life.

Cu Sith prowling around at night, hiding in the trees while eyeing its prey. At the beginning of hunting these creatures, Cu Sith will issue three loud barking. So, you have three barking to save yourself. If the third barking sounds, these creatures will be behind you, and will kill you.

In other stories, told as a subordinate Cu Sith fairies that live in the Scottish Highlands. The fairies will send the creature to kidnap a mother, who will be employed for the rest of her life to caring for the baby fairy.

Dog Legend Terrible Fourth: Moddey Dhoo.

On the west coast of the Isle of Man, there is a Viking fortress of the 11th century known as the Peel Castle. Many years ago, there were graves were found in the castle, where in the cemetery contained the bones of large-sized dog. It is believed that these bones are the bones of one of the dogs is terrible legends, namely Moddey Dhoo, black spaniel dog roaming in the castle at night. The castle's guards were changing guard in pairs, so that no one will be kidnapped by this dog.

Legend has it that in 1670, one of the guards was drunk and said he would go around and will lock the gates of the castle alone that night. Other guards then waiting room of the guards, and they are suddenly listening to loud noises, but too afraid to look out to find out. After that, the guard who was found passed out drunk, and three days later he died.

Dog Legend Terrible Five: Inugami.

In Japanese mythology, there are various kinds of spirits known as us. There are millions of us are different, and the most appalling is also one of the legends of terrible dog, that Inugami. This creature is actually a dog god described has quite a strange shape, the shape of a cross mix between a human and a large wolf. Inugami can possess others and to use and exploit the human puppet creatures to kill and mutilate others. Inugami-mochi, which is controlled by a human doll Inugami, will live a very dangerous and painful: The people who made ​​Inugami-mochi will have abundant wealth and also has considerable influence, but they will be discarded and excluded from community. And if these people do not treat Inugami well, they will be killed by Inugami.

Ritual to summon this creature is pretty awful. The trick, you have to bury a small dog to his head, and put the food in front of a dog is grown, out of reach of the dog. When the dog reaches the final level of hunger, you have to chop off the dog's head and put it into the box. After that, you can rule the Inugami.


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