Senin, 20 Oktober 2014

8 most frequently Asked Questions about Cycle Loop / Menstrual Dog.

1. What is the Loop (heat cycle / menstruation in dogs)? 
Loop is more accurately called the estrous cycle is the cycle in which a female dog can get pregnant and the same as the menstrual period in humans. There are four stages during the loop, namely: proestrus, estrus, diestrus (also called metestrus) and anestrus. Pregnant female dog would normally at this stage of estrus.

2. What are the symptoms? 
Dogs that are loop will bleed from the vagina sometimes accompanied by swelling of the vulva and increased urination. Do not expect bleeding comparable to that which occurs in humans. For small dogs, usually not much and you may need to pay attention closely to identify their first cycle. In addition to bleeding, the most noticeable symptom may be male dogs can roam around your home. Other symptoms: 
- Changes in mood 
- Putting swelling 
- Tuck the tail 
- Appetites change

3. At what age do female dogs first experienced the loop? 
On average female dog suffered his first cycle at about 6 months of age. Some dogs there who are faster and some are longer, at least until the age of 14 months old. If you have a female dog, you should keep an eye on and watched as he suffered the first cycle. If until the age of 14 months and still have not experienced the cycle of the loop, you should take him to the vet.

4. How long loop cycle take place? 
Usually an average of 3 weeks or 21 days. In some dogs there that only lasted 2 weeks, while some are up to 4 weeks. 

5. How often do dogs run into the loop? 
Most take place every 6 to 8 months if regular cycle or two times a year. 

6. When a female dog get pregnant? 
Female dogs can get pregnant only when she was past the loop (at the stage of estrus). Usually the most fertile period occurred on days 11 to 15 when the cycle occurs. 

Note: when the bitch was the loop, they will usually allow the male dog to marry. There are also a small number of female dogs will accept a male dog when they are not past the loop. 

7. Can a female dog get pregnant on the first cycle? 
yes, a female dog can get pregnant on the first cycle but for health issues, should you plan to marry on the second or third cycle. You should also be keeping the first cycle does not occur unwanted pregnancy. 

8. Can I take walks during this cycle last? 
Could it carefully. Female dogs are not a problem with the exercise but he walks like a magnet for male dogs. Even a female dog that has been trained and behave well still could not help her hormones. You should not let him walk without a leash or out of your control. Do not ever let him out alone even in a fenced yard if there is a possibility of male dogs nearby.

For walks, if there are male dogs in your neighborhood, a good idea is to take your dog out with a female driving in the car and drove to a remote area. Take him to the streets there and come back with the car. Otherwise, the scent of urine and vaginal fluids your dog will give trail for male dogs.


1 Komentar:

Pada 30 Juli 2018 pukul 13.08 , Anonymous Anonim mengatakan...

I really loved reading your blog. It was very well authored and easy to understand. Unlike other blogs I have read which are really not that good.Thanks alot!dogs sleep with eyes open


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