Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

Pyometra, Rahim Infectious Disease In Dogs.

Infectious diseases of the uterus in dogs or better known as Pyometra is a disease in which the female animal is found in the abscess fluid in the uterus (womb / uterus). This case is not a new disease, because many cases of pyometra I've encountered since I started practice in 1968.

According to some literature, the cause of pyometra is an infection of bacteria into the uterus through the vagina while experiencing endometriumnya layer hyperplasia caused by increased levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone without the occurrence of pregnancy. In addition, according to a study uterine injection (drug KB) handling can also cause infection in the uterus.

Figure uterus with infection and there is pus (pus).

Pet owners usually present with his dog decreased appetite or not eating at all, fatigue and sometimes vomiting followed by a discharge of pus or brownish fluid from the vagina. 

In the clinical examination, palpation when the abdominal area (abdominal) palpable enlargement of the uterus, followed by examination using ultrasound or x-ray manufacturing of the lateral abdominal region, it appears the fluid in the uterus. Hematological blood tests should also be done because in the case of closed pyometra, abscess fluid does not seem out of the vagina, but her white blood cell count was so intense that her white blood cell count (20,000 / mm 3 or more). If the case has been long and has a common infection, it is usually the function of the liver and kidneys are also affected. It can also be known from the examination of blood chemistry, where an increase in SGOT / SGPT and urea-creatinine values.

Radiological picture of mixed breed dogs laterolateral diagnosed with Pyometra.

After the diagnosis of pyometra can be enforced, it is necessary to immediately notify the owner of the animal either on diagnosis, prognosis (chances of cure and normal), and the steps that can be taken to deal with pyometra. 

Handling the case in practice: 

1. Handling the administration of medication 
To pyometra where the cervix (neck of the womb) is closed, can be given an injection of PGF2a 1 time a day at a dose of 0.05 to 0.25 mg / kg body weight subcutaneously for 2-7 days until the size of the uterus is almost normal again. Oxytocin is sometimes done to speed up the discharge of pus. Antibiotics are highly recommended, for example: Ampicillin (dose 20 mg / kg of body weight every 12 hours) or Enrofloxacin (dose of 2.5 mg / kg of body weight every 12 hours). 

2. Treatment with Ovario-hysterectomy surgery 
Handling pyometra with ovario-hysterectomy surgery (removal of the uterus and ovaries) is equal to the OH surgery on healthy animals, but the operation must be done quickly and carefully, because the thin uterine wall and when the operation is carried out over 35 minutes, then the prognosis not so good. Antibiotics such as Amoxicillin postoperative (at a dose of 20 mg / kg every 12 hours) I was given for 7 days. When you have sepsis (multiple organ failure), so I gave injections of the antibiotic Ceftriaxone sodium (Broadced®) for 7 days through the vein at a dose of 25 mg / kg body weight, once daily.

Figure Operations Ovariohisterektomi on Pyometra cases.

Pictures state of the ovaries in cases of pyometra 

Based on my experience during practice cases Pyometra in dogs and cats 95% successfully treated after surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus. Failure only happens when patients arrive late so had sepsis (multiple organ failure), or rupture of the uterine wall resulting in peritonitis (infection of the abdominal wall). 


The female pet owners should be aware of if the dog does not want to eat followed by brownish discharge from the vagina, or have had a prolonged period of estrus. If there is such a thing then you should pet owners bring the dog to the nearest vet. To prevent pregnancy is not recommended to give an injection Depoprovera or similar drugs, but ovario hysterectomy surgery is the best way.


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