Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Prostatitis In Dogs.

1. Introduction
Prostatitis is an infection (inflammation) of the prostate gland caused by bacteria. Infection / inflammation of the prostate that can be caused by diseases of the urethra, the small tube in which urine flows from the bladder through the penis. Infection (inflammation-infection) is an inflammation of other areas of the urine, or unusual secondary to other beings of prostatic disease. It occurs more typically in intact (not neutered) dog [male / male], and a dog that has been older age have a greater risk than younger dogs. It is common in the acute (sudden) and chronic (longstanding) beings from prostatitis, but animals with an acute form is generally more debilitating than chronic form. It is also a clinical disease in cats.

2. Causes of prostatitis 

The most common known causes of prostatitis are caused by infection / inflammation of the urethra. The prostate can also be affected by the infection / spread of infection / inflammation-infection / inflammation in the bladder / inside, kidneys or blood. If other beings of prostatic disease is present, such as boils, neoplasia or scaly metaplasia, the prostate can be affected by the development of secondary infections. E. coli is the most common bacteria that cause infections.

3. Other diseases that have signs of clinical congruent with prostatitis

Diseases that have signs of clinical congruent with prostatitis are:
a). Urinary tract infection. Infections caused by bacteria of the bladder or kidneys can cause blood in the urine, fever and abdominal pain is common when an animal has a urinary infection in the field together with prostatitis.

  b). Prostatic Abscess. The ulcers are caused by an infection / inflammation that contains white blood cells, bacteria and cellular legacy. Boils are formed sometimes form in the prostate gland and pressing. This is usually from chronic prostatic inflammation. The amount is very large and cause pressure on the urethra. And by the time the animals were suffering from urination usually Mersa pain.

  c). Prostatic hyperplasia generous (BPH). BPH is the most common form of prostatomegaly (the size of an enlarged prostate), almost all of the dog [male / male] which remains intact obtain this condition in old age. It is caused by multiplying or growing size of the cells of the prostate, is a condition that usually does not cause clinical signs. Sometimes the urethra upon release there will be blood stains. condition when found incidentally by routine physical examination. Dogs with chronic prostatitis sometimes have very similar signs.

  d). Prostatic neoplasia (cancer). Prostatic neoplasia may closely mimic chronic prostatitis. Animals with prostatic neoplasia prone to disease systemically, and also never had a history of weight loss. Tumors of the prostate that almost all malignant. Tumors were most commonly it is accompanied prostate adenocarcinoma and transitional cell carcinoma. Contrary to almost all types of prostatic disease, prostatic cancer occurs in the same frequency in both intact and neutered dogs. dog [male / male] were neutered by prostatomegaly important, prostatic neoplasia is a list of potential causes. Lots of prostatic biopsy is required to distinguish chronic prostatitis prostatic neoplasia.

e). Metaplasia scaly. Scaly metaplasia is a change in the gland, prostate suppressor because of increased blood estrogen. The main cause of this is the estrogen that results in tumor (tumor Sertoli cells). Long-term oral estrogen supplementation can also cause this change. Sertoli cell tumors can also cause a terrible disease that is chronic for attacking estrogen in the bone marrow.

4. The characteristics of dogs who suffer from prostatitis. 
Clinical signs of prostatitis is different according to the state of infection (inflammation) and whether the disease is acute or chronic.
• Fever
• Blood stains or originated from the penis
• Blood in the urine
• Anxiety abdominal
• stiff gait
• weakness
• lesuan
• difficulty urinating or defecating
• Anorexia
• spit
• Losing weight
• inflammation of the urinary tract infection is a chronic intermittent
• Infertility / sterility in males

5. Diagnosis is made 
 The history and physical examination that included a digital rectal exam A complete history and physical examination are the first thing to do before generating an accurate diagnosis. One dog (male / male) who develop a fever, pain in the prostate area, and blood or pus in the urine have a case that can be associated with acute prostatitis. Dogs with acute prostatitis is usually often feel ill and their enlarged prostate.

The diagnosis is usually more pronounced in acute conditions and may require a bit of diagnostics than in chronic disease. Analysis of urine A urine analysis to detect changes that cause inflammation or blood in the urine, and is generally the first test run when evaluating for prostatitis. The urine must be obtained directly for accurate interpretation. Animals with acute prostatitis usually show signs of infection / inflammation (white blood cells and bacteria enhanced) in the urine. Conversely, dogs with chronic prostatitis may have a normal urine analysis, although intermittently they feel urinary tract inflammation. Culture and sensitivity of urine culture and sensitivity A urine help to determine if an infection / inflammation caused by bacteria.

A positive growth of bacteria is of a general nature with acute prostatitis. However, these results are not specific to an infection / inflammation of the prostatic as one in which any infection / inflammation along the urinary tract (bladder / in, kidneys or prostate) may give positive results. In addition, a dog with infection / inflammation-infection / chronic prostatic inflammation may not be any bacterial growth in culture as (when it can be seized bacteria deep in the prostate and is not present in the urine at the time of the side. The culture and sensitivities bacteria results need to be interpreted with care, and should be evaluated to solve the clinical presentation of the overall number of animals. Cytologic (microscopic) evaluation of prostatic fluid Cytologic (microscopic) evaluation of the liquid is a useful diagnostic tool when testing for prostatic disease.

Examples obtained via the ejaculate and fluids were checked for evidence of white blood cells, erythrocytes and bacteria. Because of prostatic fluid to be concentrated in the final section (third fraction) ejaculate, this is the most productive to examine. Example, there should also be cultured. This test is often not completed, a dog with acute disease because they are generally ill, depressed, and anxious, making the acquisition of a sample to be difficult. a dog with chronic prostatitis, it happens that the perfect test in obtaining evidence of infection / inflammation. Many when urine showed no evidence of infection / inflammation, prostatic fluid is collected to provide information necessary to support a diagnosis of a chronic disease.

The examples generally show signs of infection / inflammation due to bacterial prostatitis or hemorrhage. Prostatic massage and the study of cells, and culture and sensitivity A prostatic massage and washing is another method to evaluate the prostatic fluid. There are several techniques for obtaining this example. Briefly, insert a hose into the urinary tract, given to the level of the urethra and prostate prostatic it is digitally massaged via the anus. An example obtained by flushing fluid into the field. The liquid was then was back blowing through a pipe into the body cavity. This example is presented for the study of cell and culture. This technique is the most common chronic diseases are used. The examples generally show signs of infection / inflammation of bacterial or hemorrhage. Overview of the results of abdominal x-rays (X-rays) Figure abdominal x-ray results are useful in evaluating the organs / body parts and levels of the widening of the prostatic abdominal, but has limited use when diagnosing prostatitis.

General size and shape of the prostate was noted; visible, and that the drainage of lymph book prostate (sub lumbar lymph books) were evaluated for widening. Prostate that may or may not be enlarged if so acute or chronic prostatitis. Sometimes, in the acute disease there is a lack of contrast, or detail, in the prostate area. ultrabunyi prostatic abdominal One can evaluate an abdominal ultra sound woven and consistency of the prostate, as well as size and shape. in echogenicas can be seen with any type of prostatic disease. Books abdominal lymph dilation observed. To obtain a more specific diagnosis, one area identified as unusual or gusts can be biopsied using ultra sound for guidance. Cases of acute prostatitis usually do not require an aspirate or biopsy to obtain a diagnosis that is temporary.

However, it may be very useful in chronic cases because the ultra sound alone can not distinguish chronic prostatitis or benign neoplasia. needles are used less than a biopsy, and can be used to collect fluid from sores or obtain tissue samples from the small cell / tissue prostatic for cytologic evaluation (microscopic evaluation of cells gain). A biopsy, however, provides a better example as a core of tissue / tissue was obtained for histopathology (microscopic examination tissue / tissue). A biopsy usually provides more accurate information about the pathology of the prostate, because a larger amount of tissue / tissue can be evaluated Profile freezing Sometimes a clotting profile is marked if there is serious bleeding from the penis or blood in the urine. Freezing test to be considered will include an activated clotting time (ACT), a prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time activated (APTT), platelet noble title, and maybe one that VWF von Willebrand) agreements generally normal clotting test in prostatitis. Complete blood count CBC it is a useful test to stop cases of prostatitis due to evaluate the red and white blood cells. "Lifting / high-lifting / high noble title in the overall number of white usually seen in infection / inflammation-infection / acute prostatic inflammation.

Numbers of white blood cells in chronic prostatitis is usually normal, although a mild anemia biochemical profile biochemical profile to evaluate the metabolic status of organ systems / body parts. Because prostatitis is a common occurrence in animals older, especially pets, it is a useful screening test to rule out other problems or associated with the disease. Liver and kidney function were evaluated. Blood sugar and acid batteries are also examined to provide a good overall assessment of the general condition of the patient. dogs with acute prostatitis, or sepsis, hypoglycemia (a low blood sugar) and lift.

6. Care

Treatment for prostatitis varies depending on whether the disease is acute or chronic. Acute prostatitis is a condition far more critical than that of chronic prostatitis and require more intensive care, and soon. evaluate a dog for chronic prostatitis, it is in general that is to wait until a definitive diagnosis has been established and / established before starting medicine. In this way, the science of appropriate antibiotic treatment can be started based on culture and sensitivity. will not be an option some of the cases of acute because the animal may require emergency treatment before diagnostic tests reappear. The decision as to start the medicine depend on the clinical assessment of these patients.

The general, a faster treatment required for acute disease, and a case of the longer treatment is needed for chronic conditions. Although the animals suffering from acute disease, it is generally agreed it is easier to achieve a complete healing compared with chronic disease. Dogs with chronic prostatitis were more likely to have an intermittent problem continued. Chronic prostatitis is a disease that is difficult to cure, the specifications are:

a. Antibiotics are generally given at least 4 weeks of antibiotics. Antibiotics is a sign of (treated / treat) prostatitis. The choice of specific antibiotics depends on the results of the cultures were taken, and the ability of antibiotics to penetrate tissue / prostatic tissue. Not all antibiotics have the same ability to enter the prostate (barrier equator passes through the blood-prostatic fluid). Antibiotics that are effective include: erythromycin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim / sulfonamides and quinolones.

In acute conditions, this option is not as critical as the blood-prostatic barrier is not intact, and different antibiotic will effectively penetrate the prostate. Acute prostatitis is often treated with antibiotics into a vein at first, depending on the clinical condition of the animal care. Antibiotics usually begins before receiving the results of the cultures. Antibiotics that can be converted into an oral form when the pet is stable and culture reappear. Acute prostatitis is usually treated for at least 4 weeks.

In chronic prostatitis which is very important for the basic choices of antibiotics in culture produce while select an antibiotic with good penetration into the prostate. Chronic prostatitis is more often treated for at least six weeks. In some cases, chronic prostatitis will not be treatable. These animals require life long antibiotic medicine. Antibiotics were continued for life can usually be used at a lower dose.

b. Inserting liquids into the blood vessels of the body could be needed in acute prostatitis. Fluids in the blood vessels is sometimes necessary in animals with acute prostatitis are either dried, in shock, or rot (infection / inflammation of the blood of bacteria). Medicine maintains a network of fluids / tissue perfusion, blood pressure and circulation status in the body of critical patient.

c. Giving Pain Relievers or acute prostatitis pain can really hurt me. Provides pain when restoring a diagnosis while waiting for a decision to allow a desire to let the dog to be more comfortable and to be able to rest. Narcotics and narcotics-steroidal drugs are not the most commonly used. Typically, treatment is only necessary during the initial pain in the hospital treatment of patients. Animals with chronic prostatitis usually do not require analgesic treatment.


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