Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Seven Dogs True Story Loyalty Tears will drain you.

Best friend is a faithful friend and remain always with you no matter what happens, as well as a dog, man's best friend. Not infrequently we hear some true stories of courage that saved the life of a dog owner or dog owner who faithfully stand beside his beloved even until his death.

Here are 7 amazing story of love and devotion that might mengguras your tears.

1. Dogs Lao Pan

Laopan, a 68-year-old Chinese man died in November 2011, the only family member who has a dog that always accompany in his lifetime. Dogs who feel sad abandoned by their owners, decided to stay in the tomb owner and refused to leave the tomb for seven days without food. Then, there are villagers who pay attention to the dog and started to bring food and water to the tomb. In fact, they are planning to build a shed near the tomb of the loyal dog.

2. Hawkeye

Story of Hawkeye, a Labrador retriever proved that dogs can feel a deep sadness. The owner named John Tumilson was a member of the Navy Seals in the United States who died while serving in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. At the funeral took place, Hawkeye walked to the coffin owner and dropped to the floor with panting breath. John's cousin, Lisa Pembleton, and posted a photograph of the moment on facebook and photos depressing quickly spread throughout the world.

3. Hachiko

Hidesaburo Ueno brings his dog, Hachiko in Tokyo in 1924, and every day when he will go to work for his teaching work, Hachiko would stand by the door and watched him go. Then at 4 pm, will arrive at the station Hachiko Shibuya to meet the owner. A year later, Ueno died of a stroke at work, but Hachiko continued to go back to the train station each at 4 pm each day, searching for rightful owner of the passengers out of the train. Finally, the head of the station made ​​a bed for Hachiko at the station and began to give it a bowl of food and water.

Hachiko returned to the train station every day for 10 years until he died in 1935. But it still feels loyalty of the dog at the station. A year before his death, Shibuya Station installed a bronze statue of Hachiko shape and although the original statue was eventually melted down during World War 2, a new version was created back in 1948 by the son of the original maker before.

4. Dog Guard 2011 Japanese tsunami

After the earthquake and tsunami that struck Japan on 11 March 2011, the media is filled with news of the tragic and extraordinary stories of survival. One story of survival is about a dog who stands guard another dog being injured among debris near the beach.

Although dogs are very protective of his friends were injured, rescuers finally able to calm him and bring the injured dog to the veterinary clinic. Faithful watchdog was then taken to an animal shelter.

5. Dorado

On 11 Sept, 2001 (the day of the explosions of the WTC United 11 Sept 2001), a blind computer technician named Omar Eduardo Rivera was working on the floor 71 in WTC (World Trade Center) along with his guide dog, Dorado. When a passenger plane hijacked by terrorists struck the World Trade Center, Rivera knew that it would take a long time for him to get out of the building, but he wants his labrador retriever (Dorado) had a chance to get out so he let go of the strap Dorado while on the stairs was crowded.

"I think I would have died, with the noise and the heat were very scary. But I had to give Dorado the chance to escape. So, I let go of the rope, rubbing his head, giving him encouragement and ordered Dorado to go," said Rivera . Dorado down among the crowds of people who are trying to get out of the building, but a few minutes later, Rivera felt the dog is sniffing his feet and turns Dorado has come back to his side. Dorado and a co-worker helped Rivera Rivera then down the stairs all 70 floors, which takes 1 hour. As soon as they got out of the building, the building collapsed, and Rivera said he owed ​​his life to a very loyal dog.

6. Shrek

In January 2009, a 10 year old boy named Maxim Kurguzov in Russia was playing outside his home when there is a fox who was walking in his yard, killing one of his family's chicken, then turned toward the little boy. Then Shrek, the family dog with a dashing jump in front of Maxim and fought against the fox with some bite to the head of a fox. Upon hearing the commotion, the father grabbed his son Maxim and photographing dog brave and fighting lasted for 25 minutes with the fox.

7. Lady

Lady is a golden retriever who became a constant companion of a 81-year-old man named Parley Nichols for 6 years. These dogs always be on the side of Nichols even when he began to suffer from dementia and memory loss. When Nichols lost with her dog in Ohio on April 8, 2010, the police spend a week to find both until they were discovered in a field. Nichols has died of heart failure, but the lady never leave her side, survived by drinking water from a nearby river. The loyal dog refused to leave his owner, but the Nichols family finally took her home and adopted him.


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