Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Train and Caring for Pomeranian Dogs.

Small Pomeranian dog, has a short muzzle, nose color varies to the color of fur, dark almond-shaped eyes and a medium. Thick fur, a long neck and chest area, and have a variety of colors such as red, orange, white, beige, blue, brown, black, Brindle (pinto), participation color and so on.

Pomeranian is an intelligent dog, eager to learn, active, can be a wonderful companion and is very loyal to the employer and his family. Dogs usually easy Pom friendly with other dogs. Teach this dog early on that it does not matter if the barking when the doorbell rings or when there are strangers coming, but after that it should remain calm (to be consistent about this). This cheerful dog is very easy to teach as a child. Pomeranian must be shown that the owner is the boss, or they will be a dog who likes to sue. If you allow your dog to regulate when and how a thing is done then you have a potential problem and you may not realize it. This is not a good action and intelligent, but an act that will increasingly become dominant in the future. Because of its small size and has an adorable face, then most dog syndrome Pom Small Dogs (Small Dog Syndrome) which is caused by the behavior of her employer, where the dog believes that they are the pack leader and not a human. This could cause various problems such as the nature of temperamental behavior, do not hesitate to attack a large dog, growling, biting, and excessive barking for trying to tell the man what they want. If the dog Pom given strict rules to follow, limits what should / should not be done, daily walk with the herd the other dogs you also become a Pack Leader decisive, confident and calm, then this will result in a dog that could Pom trustworthy, mentally stable and become friends family fun.

Height, weight:
Height: 7-12 inches (18-30 cm.) Weight: 3-7 pounds (1-3 kg.)

Health Issues:
Pomeranian dogs are susceptible to disease Dislocated patella (kneecap injury), Slipped Stifle, liver problems, eye infections, skin irritation, tooth decay and tooth loss at an early age. It is recommended to give the form of dry dog food or crunchy milk bones daily to help keep teeth and gums in good condition. Pom newborn baby is very small and fragile. Three newborns can be held with one hand. When she was older, Pom dog will go bald in some parts.

Housing Condition:
Pomeranian dogs are very active indoors and no problems although none of the pages. Be careful lest they overheat in hot weather.

Physical Exercise:
Pom Dogs need to walk every day. Playing can meet their physical exercise, but like other dogs, play can not meet the needs of their primitive instinct to walk. Dogs who do not walk every day tend to display behavioral problems. They also enjoyed a romp in a safe open area such as a large fenced field.

Old Age:
About 15 years.

Grooming / dog care:
Fur long and thick like a Pom dog must often combed. If you comb from the head, separate the feathers and combed to the front, then the fur will fall neatly so although quite time consuming, but it is relatively easy to do. Use a dry shampoo when needed. Clean the eyes and ears every day also bring Pom dog for regular dental cleanings. The Pomeranian is a shedder (hair loss) is constant.

The Origin:
The name comes from the region of Pomerania Pomeranian. That now is the area of ​​Germany and Poland, was developed from the descendants of the ancient Spitz. The original Pomeranian larger, weighing up to 30 pounds and is used as a shepherd. Marie Antoinette, Emile Zola, Mozart and Queen Victoria all have a Pomeranian dog. In 1870 the Kennel Club in England, was first introduced as a Pom dog one type of derivative dogs. In 1888, Queen Victoria began breeding and showing dogs Pom. He who first started generating Pom with smaller size, make the dog became very popular in the UK. The Pomeranian was first introduced by the AKC in 1888. Some of talent including watchdogs Pom dog, agility and performing tricks.


1 Komentar:

Pada 10 Mei 2016 pukul 05.03 , Blogger Unknown mengatakan...

Pomeranian dogs are very cute and they are the best companions to children. Kids love Pomeranian dogs because they are active and less dangerous. Also, these dogs looks very presentable when groomed properly.

Perrie Jinnie
Pet Grooming Tips


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