Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

How to Take Care And Train a Shih Tzu dog.

If you brush the dog every day, it takes just a few minutes. In addition, Shih Tzu also require additional care and maintenance on a regular basis. In order for treatment each day will be easier, I recommend that you adjust your dog in the next few sessions below, since they were puppies.

Equipment needed
To keep your Shih Tzu in the best condition ready to show you, you will need some equipment the following: hard and stiff-bristled brush (which is often referred to as a bristle brush), sliccker, a comb made of steel / Teflon, scissors and clippers specifically designed profit dog. And a summary of the items that are spray bottles - to be filled with water / special liquid that will reduce wrinkles, specially formulated for dogs anyway.

Professional as any you in caring for your Shih Tzu, you should always provide a vial of powder syptic in the hand (around you), in case of accidental that cause injury and bleeding.
Shih Tzu fur is much easier to comb when sprayed with water or a special liquid that will reduce tangles. After your Shih Tzu fur moisturise, you can comb to fluff dry, then spray again if necessary. Sweep lightly every day and a full maintenance in each week will prevent creasing.

When combing, start from the chest, the lower part (abdomen), and part of the leg. The supine your dog, and a special liquid spray on the coat, and comb with a bristle brush. For fur into sections and comb according to the stu part one. After you have finished combing on the abdomen and chest, in order to spruce traps slicker-fuzz that exist in the toe area.

Behind the back of your dog on the side (which is not yet in the comb) so that you can comb the elbow thigh and body. Bedding again on feathers and comb from the innermost part (close to the skin). After everything is finished, let your dog to reverse the body (supine). Bedding and for fur into some part of the part of the head to the tail end. Comb hairs long ago outermost comb to comb, until smooth (no tangles / concerns); then spray and comb through the tail. The last step is to comb and make sure fur around the eyes, face, mustache, beard already smooth (no tangles) using tooth comb (for face and mustache).

Routine part of caring Shih Tzu, you have to shave the excess, between the fingers as short as possible. This will reduce the possibility of infection and will add to the attractiveness of your dog will tidiness. If you find there is very matted fur, try to use a special oil for the feathers. This oil can be used directly on the matted fur to make it easier on the comb.

If necessary, you can tie the hair on top of your Shih Tzu's head (between the eyes). When you have finished tidying session, praise your dog with words of praise, play and cuddle fun with her​​.

Always watch for signs of parasites at the time you spruce up your pet Shih Tzu. If you find signs of infestation, to settle this issue. Contact your veterinarian if you are anything unusual.

With the exception of your dog smells, dirty, foul-smelling and greasy fur, or will follow the show, you do not have to bathe your dog. Unlike human skin, dog skin filled with oil glands, which help soften and smooth the skin to prevent skin is experiencing dryness and cracking. Their skin also produces oils that help repel water excess fur. The use of soap or shampoo will remove excess oil produced by oil glands that exist on the dog's skin and cause dryness of the skin and can cause excessive hair loss very well.
Before bathing, you previously had your Shih Tzu fur combed to remove tangles. Use a quality shampoo, specially formulated for dogs and be sure not to shampoo or water gets into the eyes and ears. After giving a shampoo, wash the bristles with enough water. After everything is finished, dry your dog with a towel. Let your Shih Tzu fur waved, then wrap a towel in order to absorb the remaining water on the block, no feathers. Dry your dog in the house.
In the weekly maintenance of your dog, consider the cleanliness of your Shih Tzu's ear. Use ear cleaning products available on the market to clean the dirt in the ear. To clean the ears, open your ear with one hand and wipe clean with a cotton ball soaked in ear cleaner. Use a new cotton ball in each ear cleaning. You can clean the outside of the ear with a cotton swab that has been usual in the ears soak in cleaning fluid.

Also check your Shih Tzu's eyes are terature to ensure that they are free from germs and bacteria. Use a damp cotton ball (soaked in warm water) to clean the dirt around your dog's eyes. Remember, use new cotton for each eye. If you notice any inflammation and eye pain, contact your veterinarian.

Nail Care and EIA
Learn how to use nail clippers (the dog) before you trim the nails of your Shih Tzu. Experienced dog groomer or veterinarian can teach you how to use it. In the middle of the nail called the quick dogs, consisting of blood vessels and nerves. You can see it clearly for knowing your limits can cut the nails of your Shih Tzu (usually quick to be pink or deep red). If you cut off the quick, it will be very painful your dog. Plus, the quick growing along her nails grow. If you do not cut your dog's nails regularly within the adjacent, then you likely will be cut to restore the length of the nail comfortable for the dog. Always cut your dog's nails close to the quick, and make sure you grasp the palm of your dog firmly but gently.

Dental Care
Dental care starts with feeding your dog with enough hard foods, such as biscuits and bones, to slow the formation of tartar. Excess tartar can cause infection and damage to the gums, also cause teeth to be dislodged one by one. You should brush your dog's teeth every week with toothpaste in the formula specifically for dogs. Before brushing, check your dog's teeth and gums for signs of infection and tartar. Tartar excess can be cleaned by the dentist. 



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