Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Failure pregnancy in dogs, wary of Brucellosis.

The dog lovers is not uncommon to hear complaints from fellow dog owners about the failure of marriage pregnancy dog by its owner either naturally or artificially (IB). Failure of pregnancy is usually considered the wind and by the owner of the dog. Even the dog owner usually will keep trying to impregnate a female dog parent by remarriage. Remarriage done this can sometimes result in pregnancy, which can also be terminated by abortion although they will usually be able to produce puppies that will bring dissatisfaction and disappointment after seeing the puppy. The resulting puppies are usually puppies weak. This weakness can be seen clearly with the death of some puppies in the womb or the death of a puppy not long after the puppy out of the womb of its mother.

Failure to produce a pregnancy in a marriage is caused by many factors such as hormonal factors, nutrition, infection and so forth. But there is no harm in a failure to produce a pregnancy in female dogs suspected of having taken part intracelluler bacteria run things pretty vicious attack on the reproductive system of male and female reproductive systems infected dogs that will eventually cause damage to the reproductive system permanently. besides this reason, brucellosis in dogs should be more aware of its existence in case of reproductive disorders because these bacteria are able to infect dogs in addition, were also able to infect people who are exposed. The ability to infect animal disease agents that cause the appearance of clinical symptoms which refers to a type of disease and capable of transmitting the virus to humans is known as zoonosis.

Brucellosis in dogs is caused mainly by Brucella canis (B.canis) which include bacteria negative group (-), and live in the host cells (intracellular bacterium). Another cause of brucellosis in dogs is a bacterial infection of Brucella species such as B. abortus that usually affects cattle and B. Suis that usually affects pigs. Infection can occur after a naturally healthy dog ingested placenta material contaminated by bacteria or malignant can also occur due to ingestion of contaminated vaginal fluids due to a disease agent behavior when dogs lick experiencing estrus (estrus). In addition to the above, the disease can also be transmitted through ingestion of fluid from the birth of the material that has been contaminated puppy disease agents, including the matter of abortion on the mother dog who experience it. In this matter disease agents can survive several weeks or even several months.

In female dogs, there are few clinical symptoms that may indicate the presence of the disease agent. The clinical symptoms are seen, among others, miscarriage (abortion) in dogs is pregnant with gestation of 45-55 days in 75% of cases of brucellosis in dogs (Shin and Carmichael, 1999) .sedangkan deaths that occur at the embryonic stage (stage embryo mortality) occurred on gestation days 10-20 after fertilization (meeting the egg and sperm cells). Death embryonic stage is what is usually seen as a failure of normal pregnancy after marriage noinfeksius done by the owner of the dog because the dog estrus will occur continues normally. Brucellosis is selainj attack female dogs, male dogs can also attack. In male dogs, the clinical symptoms seen is the inflammation of the epididymis of one or both testicles, testicular shrinkage and mild dermatitis on the skin of the testicles caused excessive moisture. Brucellosis infection can affect sperm quality. Sperm produced by the male dogs infected will contain many inflammatory cells and sperm cells that are not normal. The quality of their sperm significantly decreased at 3 months post-infected healthy male dogs.

In some cases, this infection will cause a decrease in the number of sperm cells in each ejaculation if calculated microscopically, even less so this will end up with a decrease in the occurrence of infertility. This is due to the creation of an autoimmune climate on the reproductive system of male dogs that attack sperm produced by the male dog's reproductive system. In the male dog is infected, the disease agent will proliferate in the prostate gland and epididymis that will come out along with the seminal fluid.

Diagnosing can be done by doing blood cultur hitherto believed by experts as the most accurate way to detect the presence of this disease. Diagnosing other ways can be done with serological tests such as test, indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and ELISA. This can be done in laboratories that provide detection facilities on referral veterinarian you trust.

In the case of brucellosis, the prevention is more appropriate than treatment. Before the dogs received prospective dog owners, prospective owners should have to make sure the dogs are free of brucellosis. The test was performed twice to turn the false-negative results that often make the mistake of concluding free canine brucellosis. Sampling for materials diagniosa done 2-3 weeks after the first sampling is done. If it is negative you enter your dog will do. For lebihg details, consult a veterinarian you trust.

In this case the treatment is not recommended because it will be very expensive which results are not commensurate with the price not being spent because the treatment of the animal patient is not able to restore the state of the system such as the production tool before developing the disease. But if the dog is very in love, castration in male dogs can be done, as well as sterilization in female dogs.


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