Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Mafia Thailand Smuggling Thousands of Dogs To Asia To Consumed.

Animal rights group calls the Thai criminal syndicate has collected thousands of dogs to supply the demand for dog meat in Asia. 

The dogs were housed stolen and sent to the Mekong, Vietnam and China where the killing and eating dogs is perfectly legal. 

Is not certain how many are involved in this illegal trade, but the NGO Humane Society International believe the large-scale syndicate responsible for this illegal dog trade. 

Director of Humane Society International, Verna Simpson said the smuggling of dogs is not possible with a single operation. 

"We are talking about a gang member who raised them to the ship, and then the ship goes and that means the practice of a cartel," he said. 

In Thailand kill dogs for meat consumption is illegal, the local authorities have made ​​a number of breakthroughs to stop the illegal dog trade.

Livestock Superintendent, Dr. Sorrasittsuksakul Burin said the government is trying to keep an eye on the border region by establishing a dedicated team working with the border police and the military. 

"We have police patrolling guard border areas. We do not support trade this dog." 

This operation has been successfully saved and about 50,000 dogs vaccinated in the last three months.

"There was one arrest in January, twice in February, three in March, four in April and recently in May," said Dr. Burin Sorrasittsuksakul. 

Even in the last 3 arrests, nearly 2,000 dogs were rescued. 

Advantages Tantalize: 

Stray dogs in Thailand have long been the target of a criminal gang crime that many operate in the northern part of the country. 

Sometimes dogs were purchased from poor villagers. But many are stolen off the streets or houses owners. 

Having taken the dogs were forced to eat to increase their weight in order to be sold at high prices. Some suffocated and died in the fattening process imposed. 

Dogs that survive will be transported in cramped and claustrophobic enclosure to neighboring Vietnam or China. Therefore in the course, many dogs are injured.

Arriving at the slaughterhouse, the dogs were killed one by one in front of the other dogs. 

Dog meat is considered a delicacy and have magical properties which enhances virility and health. 

"Many consumers dogs in China and Vietnam, hence the demand is very high and they are willing to seek from any source to meet that need," Dr. Burin Sorrasittsuksakul. 

Human Society International said profits from illegal dog trade is very lucrative for criminal gangs Thailand. 

"One kilogram of dog meat price reached 10 dollars or three times the price of pork in Thailand. It is quite high in Thailand, because the average wage in Thailand are only 120 dollars, "said Verna Simpson. 

If caught reselling dogs for consumption, legal sanction of two years in prison for abuse epidemic measures, and a fine 1.60 USD for each dog they catch for violating the Act Rabies.


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