Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Causes of Dog Harming Yourself (Licking, Scratching and biting herself excessively).

Most dog owners must have found the dog scratching, licking and biting himself (self-mutilation). Generally, the assumption is being felt itchy dog. But sometimes the custom of licking, excessive scratching and biting can be destructive and make the dog hurt himself. Dogs, however, do not know when to quit the habit. Therefore, if you find this happens to your dog, early prevention is very important to do before it becomes serious later.

Cause dog hurt herself habits generally come from a medical problem or condition of dog psychology. Here are some of the reasons or causes the dog likes to do custom licking, scratching and biting himself excessively: 

- Generally due to itching caused by the fleas or allergies. Dogs can be allergic to many things including food, lice, mold, dust, grass and much more. 

- "Hot spots" or "acute moist dermatitis" can also cause excessive biting dogs because it causes itching. This condition is caused by a bacterial infection which is more severe if the dog continues to bite part of the infection to stop the pain.

other skin infections ear infections or various parasites and mites which can cause itching. For example, if you see your dog often shaking his head and scratching his ears, it was showing signs of an ear infection. 

- Not all of these habits because of a medical problem. Several cases of excessive biting or licking can also be a form of obsessive-compulsive behavior disorder (OCD). Acral lick dermatitis (Lick granuloma) is a type of OCD where the dog licking himself excessively which causes damage to the skin condition, infection, or injury. Or there is another dog who compulsively chase their tails to bite or lick and bite their flanks until no fur.

OCD behavior may be originated from a medical problem. For example, a dog that has hot spots began to lick her feet because of itching. But despite the hot spot is healed, he still licking licking legs because they may be able to relieve stress or relieve boredom. Treating OCD behavior disorder is probably a bit difficult. Veterinarians usually recommend wearing an e-collar in the short term, to prescribe anti-depressant medication or seek the help of a behaviorist. 

How Stopping a dog from biting or licking himself, namely: 

• Play with your dog. For some reason the dog bite itself can be caused by boredom. 
• Buying chew toys (chew toys or Rawhides) that can be chewed by your dog. For a puppy, chewing is a part of the development. For a more mature dog, a toy like this could be alternatives to chewing or biting their legs.

• Bathe your dog. This will help eliminate the various triggers that can cause itching or irritation in dogs. 
• Minimize stress in your dog. Try giving activity or activity on your dog. Use a cone collar if biting / chewing it very difficult to remove. 

No matter what the cause, if your dog licking or biting himself excessively then it means there is a problem. So, you should consult with your veterinarian for solutions. Itch or pain would certainly not fun for any dog.


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