Senin, 27 Oktober 2014

History of the American Pitbull Terrier (APBT)

Broadly speaking, the modern APBT is divided into two strains: Strains Strain Black Red nose and nose. Strain Red nose is often associated with the parent strain which we know as the Old Family Strains of Ireland around abad.17, while the Black nose often associated with old strains: the British Fighting Bull-dogs known as Staffordshire Bulldog, Although there are also strains others, like Blue nose, Purple nose, etc., but most fans are focused on the two strains only. Many more questions arise Where there used to be, and which is better? In this article, I will try to review it in my view its own.

Previously I would be a little bit of history repeating flashbacks tell the Pit Bull in Europe before going to America. In general, we recognize four periods Pitbull historical development which eventually get an official name APBT. The first period is: Period Bullbaiting- Bearbaiting (age 14-18), the second period is the period Pitfighting (Dogfighting in Europe around age 17-18), the third is the period of the process of Americanization (Pit Bull originally developed to America from Europe around 1800 until 1960), and the fourth is the period of the 1980s (when the 1970 Dogfighting officially banned by the Government, through decrees issued ADOA). And now we can see the APBT has a wide variety types / shapes and sizes according to each fan (fan camp weight pulling, doghfighitng, hunting dogs, and conformation show-dog).

I am not discussing the period before the fourteenth century, ie before the age Bullbaiting, because I find it too much for us to explore about the existence of the APBT, indeed before the 14th century: APBT has a descendant of the Ancient Mastiff Dog (Mollosus), but the type or characteristics-characteristics not 100% the same , because in my opinion the Pit Bull is the result of the process: Pit-Fighting and baiting- Bull- dogs for hundreds of years / over, which occurs in some regions / countries in Western Europe, such as England, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Spain , France, etc.

No country can claim to be definitive / accurate and scientific origins of the Pit Bull, except after at the register by the American dog body that is as thn.1898 APBT in UKC, then in 1909 as a Pit Bull Terrier in ADBA, then in 1939 as the Staffordshire Terrier The AKC, then th.1972 as the American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff) in AKC, then th.1974 as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in AKC. And now the UKC and ADBA Pit Bull admitted as APBT. So until now often arises confusion between Amstaff and APBT or Staffordshire Bull Terrier, APBT because there are some who have dual registers (two different registration: as in AKC Amstaff and APBT in UKC or ADBA) even triple registers.

From a long history, we know that these types are developed unyielding nature (gameness) and fighting abilities. So some farmers are maintaining the purity of the blood of the dog so that the genetic quality of the Pit Bull is not decreased. They do not want to cross the dog with a bloodline that is not considered good (not dogs Pit / fighter winner) especially with other types / breeds another. Indeed, according to proponents of the theory there is a possibility terrier dog blood donation Pit derived from the type of terrier, but it is not certain what kind of dog and when it happens.

At this time (Dogfighting 17th century) here we can see, due to the interest of keeping / maintaining a characteristic of Pit Bull Fighting which includes gameness, fighting behavior, bite pressure, wrestling ability, etc., which makes certain characteristics of a bloodline / breeder, the possibility of inbreeding (inbred or line breding) is quite large, since each farmer is having a strong confidence on the quality / her own bloodline privilege.

Meanwhile in Ireland, never mind there is a group of families who like to develop its complaint dog, named: family Cork & Kerry, according to informed sources, the family makes a characteristic / specificity characteristics that have the appearance of the dog's body is almost all red body (red copper), red nose, red eyes yellow / yellow, toenails, lips, red mouth, and with a high fighting ability.

Strains developed by Cork & Kerry's family became known as the Strain "Old Family". However, there are two arguments about the definition of the origin of this Old Family. The first is the sense of this strain developed by many people who do not have a sibling relationships in Ireland. While the second sense is this strain developed only by a family group for several years. Opinions seem to be more towards the first opinion.
For many causes, the old type of family is almost an inbred product yields are very close, so if we have a type like this, we usually get the recessive traits in the offspring, therefore if once mated with a dog that is dominant (eg strain black nose) then the offspring will be hard to go back resembling the origin of the properties owned by the family's old dog.

In my opinion: with a simple sentence that is when strains were crossed with blacknose rednose offspring will be more powerful then the derivative of its black nose, and it will be difficult to return the traits / temperament or the shape of the puppies were born in order to get back on ciri- rednosenya characteristics. Because Red (red) are usually recessive (weak) against the other colors except white. Strains Old Family later changed its name to The Old Family Reds strains, even when the initial rednose dogs arrived in America, they already reveal traits in particular that is a red nose (Rednose).

While the Old Family growing strains, other strains are in fact also been a long time that the Black nose has also been developed, an old coal mining area in the United Kingdom known as: Staffordshire, has used a Pit Bull to pull a train of coal mines in the halls, and of course a lot of this type that has long been used for dog fighting or used as a hunting dog, and guard plantation / farm. Pit Bull was in the area of ancient Britain at this age (around age 16-17) is usually the blacknose Pit Bull (Pit Bull black nose). And most farmers fighting dogs Black nose Pit Bull is also always strive to produce puppies with the characteristics of a special fighting ability (other than the other), and after getting the desired typical (example: Chest-dog: the dog who attacked towards the chest / his neck and bite type tore / ripped), then the breeder will strive to always mengkonsistenkan, so any chicks that are born of the bloodline breeders always have the typical privileges. (not lost).

Where did the arrival of the nose pit bull dog and red colored body (before it was developed by the Irish people)? This is a question that continues to roll, with some arguments fans. But according to my opinion, Strain Old family actually comes from an old strain: Black-Nose Pit Bull that was developed based on the characteristics of the body (body color) and the style of fighting (Fighting behavior) certain desired his breeder, for the purpose of purifying / patenting a Pit Bull type / Fighting-dog at that time.

Both of these strains (Rednose and Black nose) and then continue to be preserved by the owners, and some of them were brought to America (the immigration process: the UK, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, etc migrated to America circa 1700 to 1800) for development in the area. In the early days of his arrival in America, the farmers do not know / investigate many of the differences and advantages of the Black nose with Rednose Pit Bull. In the Americanized period (1875-1970), which occurred around 1900, we know the name: the leading Breeder: William J.Lightner which used strains in the Old Family Reds breedingnya program. But unfortunately after some time he did not have the results that he wanted, so he gave up on the strain at the time of his move from Louisiana to Colorado and switch to other strains size is rather small, dark and blacknose.

Then we also know a famous comic writer named: Dan Mc Coy. That has always been of interest / concern is what about the pit bull, and she has a lot of knowledge about this breed. Expertise and ability in breeding made ​​him become a valued and needed as breeders consultant for the fans / Pit Bull breeders that time. Mc Coy worked with many fans of the Pit Bull, among others: Bourgeous, Bob Hemphill (rednose fans). They secured descendants rednose strains left by Lightner. Some of the famous dog at that time were: Harvey's Red Devil and Owen's (Ferguson) Centipede.

Another fan of Old Family Red Strains named: Bob Wallace (1950), began a research / testing of the quality of the dogs Red-Nose (red nose) is. Bob eventually get to a conclusion and put it in an article titled: There is no Magic in Rednose. Where he believes the power / ability to rednose for lowering properties / characteristics superior as great as capabilities that allow lowering the bad traits in the puppies. In the article Bob's assumption / belief those fans who overestimate the Red-Nose Strain advantages compared to Black nose, rednose Bob holds that strains can thrive with good quality is precisely the course of his / her ability itself, which remains at two initial concept Pit dog breeding: selecting (tillers election / candidate sires who have fought that good quality) and culling (allowance / disposal of the seedling-seedling / prospective breeders who do not have a standard dog Pit).

Some dogs Bob Wallace and Mc.Clintock (circa 1940-1950an) is very well known and is the Old Family Red bloodlines are:
1. Rusty Wallace's,
2. Wallace's Red Brave,
3. Wallace's Red Rock,
4. Red Raven (farmed Mc.Clintock used Bob as one of the plants),
5. Wallace's Red Rube,
6. Wallace's Red Poncho ("schooling" dog), etc.

As a strain, the Old Family Red has some important things, first: This strain is famous for its gamenes nature, many of the leading pit bull breeder in the history of the APBT, has made ​​several important contributions in building and strengthening these strains, such as reviewed above: Lightner, McClintock, Menefee and Wallace.

Inevitably, indeed rednose dogs generally look more beautiful / good in terms of appearance, anatomy is compared blacknose. However this strain also has contributed to the development of good American Pit Bull, which makes this kind: as the number one type of dog breeders recognized the fighter to date. Some old rednose strains still showed characteristic and robustness until now, we can see also in some of the leading kennel in the US, with the result of the dominant breedingnya rednose like: kennel Wilrox and Lonzo etc, many of the child is still able to show how the first strains of this rednose grown and used in dogfighitng.

Regarding Strain Old blacknose, we can see this type has actually been around longer than its relatives Rednose called: Old Family. Blacknose pitbull can be seen clearly in the centuries old paintings 15-18 in England and Germany: the name of: British Fighting Bulldog, Bullenbeiser, Brabanter called Bullbaiting-dog or a name that should be: Original Bulldog. Maybe when the first known / recorded breeder blacknose patented strain, it is now known as Old family- Black. I see it has a distinctive strain blacknose well. Some breeders are more focused strains blacknose and also old enough recognized: John.P.Colby (1875-1941) followed his son Louis Colby (Colby family has membreeding more than 5000 dogs) and continued by his sons until now, and we also know Joe Corvino, Tudor Earl, Howard Heinzl, Howard M Hadley, Floyd Boudreaux, Hammond, Wood, Garner, Sorrell, Crenshaw, etc. where each puppy from a breeder that has unique advantages for the study. (such as agility and FB).

As for the Old blacknose Strain this, in my opinion this strain is still required research / investigation deeper (DNA-test, Performance test, etc.) on all its advantages / disadvantages. Among others, why the various forms / types of head Black nose pitbull different (some sources have the aura of a similar shape and head like tigers, bears, lions), and there is a small size of about 15 kg, there were 20kg, 30kg there is even now developed some weigh 50kg or more?

Why is there little pitbull that has agility and fighting ability is higher than the larger Pitbull. Why most blacknose have endurance capabilities breath longer / stronger than rednose? And many more questions that need to be investigated the answer for those who have a great interest in this iron dogs.


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