Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Dog Eating Dirt / feces (Coprophagia).

Ouch !!!, dizziness see our beloved dog runs bowel or stool then he eats pet dog we love to eat feces she found. Many of the causes that led to the dog likes to eat feces.
The first factor

Dogs deficiency of calcium and phosphorus, the dog deficiency biaanya will eat their own stool. The solution: consult a vet for instructions dosage of vitamin for this dog.

The second factor  

Retriever dog breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, Flat Coat Retriever and the like have a hobby to bring something in his mouth. The solution: get him playing like throwing a ball, or give him a toy like a rolled-up newspaper or a stick for him to play.

The third factor

There are levels of bacteria in the digestive dogs so that the dogs can not digest food properly. So the dog continues to feel hungry. The solution: Give him yogurt (sour milk) containing good bacteria to fight bad bacteria in digestion. Occasionally, give in pineapple fruit pineapple fruit is said to help the dog to not eat the stool.

The fourth factor

Food (dog food) does not match that is not digested properly. Dirt that came out still have the same scent with food. Moreover, our pet dog big appetite at all, must immediately eaten stool. The solution: Replace it with another brand dog food.

The fifth factor

Dog's appetite is too big, which usually occurs in dogs and short thick billed as the Golden Retriever, Labrador, Pug, Bulldog. The solution: Always ready to charge a stool so dog defecation. Add garlic to taste the food to avoid eating dog stool.


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