Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Avoid Giving Heart In Dogs.

Everyone knows that beef liver or chicken liver are favored by dogs. People prefer to feed the dog with chicken liver or beef liver as it is cheaper than meat, let alone a dog always finish their food if given a portion of chicken or beef liver. 

But, did you know that feeding with chicken or beef liver regularly or frequently can damage the health of the dog's body ?. Others have suggested because the protein in the liver is very high, which can damage the kidneys performance. Maybe this opinion is correct but you should know the nutrients and toxins in the liver of chicken or beef. 

According to the results of research conducted by a student of veterinary science IPB was writing his thesis, there are many causes of dog deaths at age 5 years and older in Indonesia is due to damage to the liver, kidneys and heart. 

Nutrient content of the liver per 100 grams: 
Water, 73.59 g, energy, 125 kcal, protein, 17.97 g, Total Fat, 3.86 g, Carbohydrates, 3:42 g, Fiber, 0 g, Dregs, 1:17 g, Calcium 11 mg Iron 8:56 mg, Magnesium 20 mg, 272 mg Phosphorous , Potassium 228 ​​mg, Sodium 79 mg, 3:07 mg Zinc, Copper 0395 mg, 0258 mg Manganese, Selenium 64.1 mcg, Vitamin C 33.8 mg, 0.138 mg Thiamin, Riboflavin 1,963 mg, 9:25 mg Niacin, Pantothenic Acid 9:25 mg, Vitamin B- 6 0.76 mg, 738 mcg folate, vitamin B-12 22.98 mcg, Vitamin A, 20549 IU, Vitamin A, RE, 6165 mcg_RE, Vitamin E, 1:44 mg_ATE. 

Supposedly if you see the protein content in the liver were only 17.97 grams / 100 grams (17.97%), not too high for the protein needs of a dog. Average protein needs on a living dog diiklim tropical Indonesia ranges between 20-25%. So, what causes kidney damage in dogs are often fed liver ?, it may be useful if we also know the content of toxins in the liver were found from the results of the study in 2003 by Rusiana and DN Iswarawanti. 

Toxicity in the liver: 
• antibiotic tylosin 
• penicillin 
• oxytetracycline 
• kanamycin. 

Broiler chicken livers containing antibiotics was prolonged can cause teratogenic effects, carcinogenic effects, mutagenic effects and resistant to antibiotics alone. 

Teratogenic effect is the content of antibiotics can cause adverse effects to the mother who was pregnant, especially for the fetus. Pregnant mother could have a miscarriage or babies born deformed. 

Carcinogenic effect is an antibiotic that enters the body can cause cancers. 
Mutagenic effect is an antibiotic can cause mutations to microorganisms such as bacteria. 

Antibiotics can also cause allergies such as a spot and itching on the skin. 

Today, animal agriculture, pieces tend to use chemical drugs to speed up growth of the animals cut because of being pressured by the demands of the market is increasing every year. Possibly, chemical drugs used do not damage the quality of meat produced, but most likely the heart of farm animals unfit for consumption. Why? Because the liver works to remove toxins from the body (detox). Chemical drugs were injected in cattle lodged in the liver and have not been removed from the body when the animal is slaughtered. In developed countries are like America, most of the population was not willing to consume organ meats such as liver, kidney, or heart health grounds. 

Back to the problem of kidney damage in dogs that were fed liver. The kidney is also an important organ in the body and serves to remove metabolic waste and toxins in the form of urine / urine, which is then excreted from the body. If the dog was given food containing toxins such as chicken or beef liver, the kidneys work will be heavy. 

Short-term effects seen in dogs that were fed the heart is 
• Itching of the skin 
• Vomiting 
• Diarrhoea / diarrhea 

Long-term effects: 
• Damage to the kidneys 
• Damage to the liver 
• Cancer 
• Miscarriage in pregnant dogs 
• Defects in puppies 

Reputable dog food manufacturers have also been careful to avoid the use of dairy products. Even if there are, they prefer the liver from animals raised on organic farms. Breeders who branded organic farm usually avoid the use of chemical drugs or hormones. Typically, the price of beef animals from organic farms are more expensive because the growth of the animals cut three times longer than animals fed beef booster weight growth.


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