Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Garlic To Treat Hotspots On Dogs.

Garlic / garlic was not only serves to mix the cooking, but Also serves as a traditional remedy for hot spots in dogs. Chemical constituents of garlic will clean up hot spots of blood, besides that garlic is a natural antibiotic Also.

Method of administration: 

1. Take one clove of garlic. 

2. Divide the onions into small pieces (because of a clove of garlic is a collection of some of the pieces that can be taken apart) .for large dogs given 2 pieces (not too big) while for small dogs just one piece. Can be added if the proportion is less (Depending on the severity of hot spots). 

3.Iris tipis- thin, the provision could be inserted into the food. If the dog does not like to be spoon-fed / fed. GIVE After eating, as if before a meal will cause stomach feels hot. 

To speed healing, can be coupled with treatment outside of the body (skin). Treatment of skin / external treatment by means bathed with medicated shampoo is sold in pet tiko needs (see user guide).


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