Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Dog Nutrition For Vegetarian.

Most people say that dogs are carnivores who must live off the flesh. Then, a man who became a vegetarian have to think twice to get a dog because it should give the dog to eat the meat.

Can dogs be given vegetarian food, although this is not a vegan animal naturally because dogs are omnivores. Dogs do have strong teeth to tear or chew the flesh but in the natural life, not every day the dog can get prey for meat. Often found the dog was eating grains, fruits, tubers, vegetables such as carrots and even grass !!! . This indicates that the dog is not a purely carnivorous animal types. They can live without meat, protein and nutrients found in meat can be replaced by other food sources other than meat.

Substitute a vegetarian source of food for dogs:


Cheese, milk, eggs, soy, tofu / tempeh, peas, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and nuts.

Fats and oils.

Butter, butter, cheese, eggs, olive oil, vegetable oil, sunflower seed oil (sun flower oil), corn oil, soy oil, safflower seed oil, linseed oil.


Cereals, brown rice, white rice, corn, cassava, potatoes, bananas.


Green vegetables, cereals, fruits.

Vitamin - vitamin.

Butter, butter, cheese, eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, nuts, soy milk, and so on.

Calcium, iron, and other mineral substances.

Yogurt, milk, cheese, sesame seeds, celery, beans, wheat flour, bread, cereals, green vegetables, and fruits.

 Other tips:
1. For the dog who wants to become a vegetarian diet changed should be changed gradually.
2. To maintain the cleanliness of the teeth, the dog must chew harder food such as bone. To replace the bone can be given carrots, apples, or similar food.
3. Milk is not the only source of calcium and minerals.
4. large breed dogs need adequate calcium for growth but should not exceed their needs because it will make growth becomes unbalanced.
5. very active dogs require adequate caloric intake. Better to provide food for an active dog more often, for example, 4 times a day than to feed at once in large quantities.
6. dog's body to create Vitamin C, but it never hurts to add a vitamin C intake of fruits or vegetables.
7. Provision of oil, preferably in a condition that has not been heated or cooked. Especially for unsaturated fats will be easily damaged if exposed to heat.    

8. Dogs can digest unsaturated fats properly. So that the dog can digest unsaturated fats are needed assistance Vitamin E.
9. The market has a lot of available dog food (dog food) fast food vegetarian formula.


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