Rabu, 05 November 2014

Six Diseases It Can Be Detected Dog

Detection dogs can sniff out the symptoms of blood sugar is too low (REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton).
These animals began much trained to diagnose and recognize the symptoms of the disease.

Pet dog is the number one known loyal and compassionate. Now dogs can go up the class into a disease-detection.

In fact, this one began many animals are trained to diagnose disease and to recognize the symptoms. Ever heard that dogs can detect the onset of diabetes before the disease come from?

Here are the types of diseases that once detected the dogs, as reported by the Daily Mail.

1. Diabetes
Detection dogs can sniff out the symptoms of blood sugar that is too low in people with type 1 diabetes called hypo symptoms may occur if you do not eat enough or accidentally swallow too much insulin. Unfortunately, some diabetics may not see the warning signs, such as pale and trembling.

Without treatment seriously, they could lose consciousness. According to Claire Guest from Medical Detection Dogs, diabetes detection dog can smell body odor changes that may indicate low blood sugar.

"We train our dog to lick, touch and gaze at someone who is experiencing symptoms of a hypo, so that the person is conscious to take immediate medical care," said Claire.

2. Autism
Dogs can also reduce anxiety and aggressive behavior in children with autism in a matter of weeks. Dogs for the Disabled organization has a free guide in training the family dog.

"We teach the dog to put their head in the lap of the child. It is useful to calm the child when they are depressed, "said Joel Young, of the organization.

3. Pain
In the United States, a charitable organization Paws for Comfort using breed Xoloitzcuintli, also known as Mexican or Xolo dog, to help people with chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia. All dogs have a higher body temperature naturally.

However, because almost hairless Xolo, the dog is hot to the touch. When the dogs curled up at its owner, the warmth of their bodies to provide assistance similar to that provided by a heating pad or pillow pain reliever.

4. Dementia
Labrador retriever and trained many people with dementia, so that they can eat on time. The study, published recently in the Western Journal of Nursing Research found that a dog housing has helped reduce agitation in Alzheimer's patients and increase social interaction. Quoted by the Guardian, people with dementia can be a special dog training cost of £ 25,000 or Rp368 million.

5. Epilepsy
Dogs can be trained like a "warning system", that is, when there are people who would seizure, the dog may act as a master detector. Dogs can even give 40 minutes notice. In other words, many times a person can do to take medication to prevent seizures or to get help.

It is estimated, the dog is able to smell the chemical changes in the body before a seizure occurs. Some dogs are usually trained to lie down next to people who have seizures to stop them from moving and hurting themselves.

6. Narcolepsy (sudden sleep attacks)
Narcolepsy causes people to suddenly fall asleep while they were undergoing daily routine. Theo, a cocker spaniel from Essex, England is the world's first dogs trained to wake their owners, Kelly Sears, when he suddenly snoring.

Theo will be licking and nudging Kelly until he opened his eyes, and if Theo was unable to wake him, he would go and seek help. Theo also learned to catch the scent changes when Kelly narcolepsy attack will occur.


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