Jumat, 31 Oktober 2014

15 Major Mistakes Dog Owners

If you are impatient with your dog, or maybe just want to read how you can be a good dog owner, then this is right for you, read the 15 major mistakes dog owners. Sometimes you just need a change of attitude to transform your dog into a little angel.

1. Recognizing Obesity
Many dog ​​owners do not realize that dog obesity. Most dog owners want a big fast dog that is fed by an amount exceeding portion and this causes the dog becoming overweight is NOT fast growing. There are also dog owners who do not understand the standardization dog properly. For example having Hound breed is supposed to have a slim waist but want his Hound dog has a body like a Labrador Retriever who is supposed to have a thicker body than the type Hound dog. Talk to your vet about a balanced weight for your dog. Regulations are good for most types of dogs are they should be enough to have a slim waist that can be seen from the above, but not thin until their ribs visible.

2. Support for Bad Behavior
You have to specify your expectations on the first day you meet with your new dog. Chasing and biting are funny things when they are still a puppy, but not at all funny when they grow up. Not fair if you change the rules in the end. Do not let any bad behavior from your puppy that you are not going to want from a dog weighing 40 kg.

3. Clean with Good
When your dog accidentally throw dirt in the house, it is vital to immediately clean it up. Even if you've picked up or clean up, usually still leave traces that are not visible to the eye. The problem is, even though you can not see with the naked eye, your dog can smell it, and the smell is teach your dog to throw water on the back. Use an enzyme cleaner (or a mixture of half vinegar and half-water if you do not mind the smell) to get rid of the odor.

4. Inconsistency
Dogs understand "always" and "never". "Sometimes" is a foreign concept to them. If you do not want your dog to sit on a chair when you are not with her, do not let it sit on a chair when you are alone with her. If you do not want your dog running around in the garden after a long day of taking care of you, do not let it run in the park even when you abandon the park for a week or two weeks or more. Always and never, not sometimes may and sometimes may not.

5. Too Many Snacks
Remember that any kind of snacks do you give your dog a part of their daily calorie intake. If you feed your dog with food and weight managers give exercise every day, but you and your family continually provide high-carbohydrate snacks, then the weight will continue to grow. Bring a snack to a minimum, and try healthy snacks like apple slices or baby carrots.

6. Do not Socialize
Once your dog is fully vaccinated, he should have the opportunity to meet as many people and as many dogs as possible. The more you socialize your dog, the more he feels comfortable in a variety of situations. Good socialization will teach your dog that there is no reason to be embarrassed, afraid or aggressive. Bring it to the vet to get to know the place where he will not get injections or insistence. Bring it to the dog park. Bring it to a restaurant that allows the existence of dog. All this experience and expand their knowledge maturing dogs.

7. Not Enough Mental Stimulation
Dogs who get tired of the problem and it was not their fault. Give your dog time to occupy itself and you will be surprised how well they behave. Interactive Toy is a fantastic toy because they support your dog to play alone. Try toys like the Buster Cube issuing dog snacks as you play, encourage your dog to use the expertise solve their problems. Toys that can be erratic bounce like a rubber ball is very good, because they attract the attention of your dog. I have also never met a dog who likes to play with an empty water bottle (make sure the lid is discarded), they make a noisy sound.

8. Expectations are Unrealistic

Some dogs are very easy to train. I know that learning Labrador dog shake within 10 minutes and never forget it. However, each dog has a unique personality. You can not expect your dog to learn how to be a gentleman in a single night, and angry when he was not angry. Ah Put your dog in a cage when you are not home at least a year, until he can learn the rules in the house. Bring it out every time until you are sure that he understands the rules of your house. Do not get frustrated when he does not understand every trick in the book written when he was two years old. Some dogs have a characteristic "puppy" in them until the third year even their fourth year. Remember, he is just a dog, he does not understand everything, before you teach it constantly.

9. Not Enough Exercise
If you feel your dog has "behavioral problems" or "can not be trained" try to make fatigue. He may have excess energy that is not burned out. Bring him to walk long distances every day, bring him to the dog park, or let it pull you when you play skateboard. Play with her every day and you will be surprised at the difference.

10. Too Much Time Alone
This is in line with the "not enough exercise" and "not enough mental stimulation". If your dog really needs to be, maybe he spent too much time alone. Whether he was in a cage for 8 hours on a weekday you? Try to go home when the lunch hour, ask your friends to keep, or use the services of a dog walker. Dogs should not be locked up for more than 6 hours.

11. Discipline is Not True
Find a puddle on the floor and look for your dog and then discipline him is totally ineffective and unproductive. If you do not catch your dog, then forget to discipline him, because he did not understand what he had done so he deserved discipline. Also, do not ever hit your dog when you are angry. Vets and professional trainers will give different answers depending calm what is effective or even not a problem for your dog on a canine poked with a newspaper or give a light blow on the nose, it depends on your decisions and the training philosophy you choose to you trust. However, all responsible animal lovers would agree that hitting your dog when you are angry at all ok. Unless you want to raise a dog that is afraid of you, do not hit, slap, or kick your dog, even when he dropped the garbage and pull the meat from the soup to a clean blanket your meatballs. Do not do it.

12. anthropomorphizing
Most dog owners love to treat a dog like a baby (and the dogs love it), a dog is not a human, a dog is a dog. Anthropomorphizing is an act of man to assume the character of an animal. Some examples include "I can not sterilize my dog​​, he would hate me for taking her to the male," "I need to breed my female dog, she was sad because she wanted to be a mother," "I can discipline him for the mistakes he did three an hour ago, he knew what he was doing, look at it! "Well, like the first example, the dog has no idea the concept of sexual identity, so the opinion is no longer valid. The second example female dog does not know what they missed when they are not bred. Thought the dog is not as complicated as that. And the third example-when you think "look at it, he knew what he was doing" your dog react to your anger, not knowing what he was doing was wrong, your dog looks sad not because he realizes his mistake but sad because you are being rude to him .

13. chaining dogs
Is not a problem to put your dog outside for a run or to pee and play outside, but there should not be a dog tied to a tree in an area five feet wide throughout his life. Dogs that are in the chain in general will become more aggressive and fear. In some countries even have laws against dog bonding. If you do not have time to give to your dog's exercise and attention, it's time to find a new home for him with someone who can give it the attention.

14. Provide Human Food When You Eat
This causes the dog ask! If you give your dog food from your plate, do not be surprised or upset when he would not let you eat alone. It might look funny when you throw popcorn at him when you are chewing on the couch, but unless you want to accompany you, at the dinner table, leaving human food that you want to give to your dog, and give it to your dog after you finished chewing.

15. Give up!
Lots of people think "I can not train this dog, he may not be trained, I give up" even before the dog is a year old! You know know when they say "kids will always be kids?" Yes, the puppy will still be a puppy. Give them the opportunity to grow, make sure you do not make mistakes on, and if that fails, follow your dog in behavioral training. There is a very small number of dogs that can not be trained out there, and most of them are in that position because of the result of persecution for many years, not stubbornness.


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