Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014

Tips to Overcome Dandruff In Dogs

Dandruff in dogs (canine dandruff) looks very similar to human dandruff. White flakes appear on the skin near your dog's fur. Dandruff in dogs can be caused by allergies, dry skin or parasitic infections.

There are some simple things you can do to overcome dandruff on your dog:

1. Bathe your dog regularly to clean the dandruff flakes before they accumulate. Bathing your dog twice a month can help clean the dandruff problem. But on the contrary, do not be too frequently bathe your dog more than once a week for example, because the bath frequency can also cause dry skin and dandruff problems. Use a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo regular and massage thoroughly into the skin. Be sure to rinse and dry the dog fur well.

2. If this did not work using regular baby shampoo, try using an anti-dandruff shampoo dog sulfur (sulfur) or salicylic acid (salicylic acid). Once used to the whole body, leave for more than 5 minutes for the active ingredient in the shampoo is working. Do not use human shampoo for maintenance because it can be dangerous for your dog. In addition, to prevent dandruff is not getting worse, do not use shampoos containing insecticides like most found in anti-lice shampoo. This shampoo shampoo-making dogs become very dry skin, although it has been added with moisturizer / moisturizer.

3. You can use colloidal oatmeal soap used by humans for dry skin to help relieve the flaking. Oatmeal soap is very good for a dog that's dandruff because soap can moisturize dry skin. (note: in Indonesia it seems there is no soap, may be ordered via online)

4. Combing dog hair on a regular basis every day is also required. Combing evenly feathers to help keep the natural oils on the skin are well distributed throughout the fur. Addition, it helps balance the body's systems and ensures that your dog dandruff will not appear.

You must choose a bristle brush that is not too hard. Test by rubbing the softness of the bristles on the back of your hand to see if it hurt when used. If gentle enough to use on your head, then it would be convenient to use on your dog.

5. Some inexpensive dog food does not provide a number of vitamins and minerals necessary for your dog to maintain healthy skin. Replace with a high quality dog food can help eliminate dandruff problems that arise. In addition, sometimes dandruff also occurs because dogs do not get enough fat in their diet. You need to consult with a veterinarian if they want to give supplements to your dog.

6. Add some flax seed oil / flaxseed oil into your dog's food. Fatty acids (FAs) are contained in it will moisturize the skin.

If your dog is not dandruff also lost the tips above, consult a veterinarian. The parasite that causes dandruff in dogs may have a negative effect on the health of your dog. Dandruff is accompanied by hair loss can be a sign of allergies. If the new hair loss occurred lately, consult a veterinarian. Hair loss is usually a symptom of a serious disease, such as Cushing's disease or diabetes. In addition, hair loss can also is a secondary symptom of skin diseases such as demodectic mange.


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