Senin, 01 Desember 2014

Homeless Dogs makeover so Pets

The nurse then shave Charlie tangled, cleaning his nails and bathing him.

Homeless dog named Charlie is found on a sidewalk in Los Angeles, United States. When discovered by officers of shelter dogs, looks shabby, dirty and messy.

Normally, dogs will be euthanized arrested. But one of the artisan care of the animals from Hollywood Grooming trying to keep Charlie did not receive such treatment. Thus given a drastic makeover, which makes adopted.

The nurse then shave Charlie tangled, cleaning his nails and bathing him.

In a video posted by The Collective Pet, Charlie looks out over the counter treatments with trembling and fear. But eventually he looks like a house dog.

According to a report in The Pet Collective, Charlie was adopted two days later. The video is currently in-makeovers he also has more than 8 million views on YouTube.

Four other dogs were also on that day makeover, also adopted a few days later.


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