Sabtu, 01 November 2014

Similar Work with Human Brain Make Dogs Can Understand Human Feelings

Dogs become one of the human pets. The story of the friendship of dogs and humans have been recorded in the manuscripts thousands of years old, even in the scriptures.

During this time, people suspected that dogs can understand human feelings. Allegations were now reinforced by the results of a study at ELTE University, Hungary. Researchers at the university confirmed that the dog does not understand human feelings.

The study also concluded that the brain works like a dog with a human brain in terms of emotion. The conclusions obtained after the researchers scanned the brains and behavior of dogs using Magnetic Resonance Scanner scanner (MRI).

"We've known for a long time that dogs and humans have a similar social environment. However, the results of this study indicate that dogs and humans also have mechanisms similar brain to process social information," said researcher named Attila Andics.

His team trained 11 dogs to sit quietly while their brains scanned. The researchers then examined the neurological response to approximately 200 emotionally sound of mooing and barking dogs. They then compare the responses of human and find real common ground.

The researchers warned that dog owners to treat animals as friends, not just pets. Because it proved that they understand human feelings.


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